Monday, July 12, 2010

Notes Towards, The Great Kissoff


The Body to the Left, footed is no longer Sufficient & the monotony of Suffering suggests, this Simple Tension & the demand of Summer Days are for naught/naught, if were it not for this Heart that is Swollen or----->Parallelization & the Style in which one Destroys the Body----->Shifting & shitting to no avail & all those Bodies & Parts missing that once cluttered your Mind now, The Suns sighs rhyming along with your Movements as you Rise----->I am looking for you, to define, as just another Random Body or, one that knows nothing of being Opened & I’m Closed, as if, your very Presence, implies a Murder I’ve yet to Partake in thus----->We have an Intimacy in this Seasonal doom, which parts towards us, putting an End to this Dream, pudding Ourselves as to an End to an anything end----->it must be Night as my Fever is Rising----->I woke up Today & had the same Fever from last night. While I was sleeping, you came into my Room, you were brushing my Hair & Sweat from my Forehead & you took my Hand, motioning it towards my Mouth with a stern look in your Eyes & I knew then you had wanted me to Eat & I would Eat because you wanted me to Eat, tho you never told him this I knew this was the Case because I knew I was not Hungry----->I woke up one day with a Fever & little has changed since then thus----->In Spite of my Waiting, I’m Calm for the Party to Arrive or the Foolish Finale that’ll Destroy my Life----->Both of these give me a small Form in Comfort----->My Bed on the Grounding to Sound the when or----->I thought where I had found your End, is where I’d find my Beginning----->The only Requirement was Our Grand Understanding of the Tools of Abuse. ----->Thus, If you hesitate to take a Breath, you will be Stopped at the Foot of my Door & this Violent Framing suggests, your Body has no Place in me, it is nothing more than a Landscape, coupled with The Field that Floods in my Mouth thus----->It’s frightening to know how dispensable People can truly be thus----->My only two constants: “____________”—“___________”----->Such are the Kisses bestowed, which always transform to the great kissoff towards the Demolition of a Life through a Single Story after Story told again & again----->Yet how Large it is to just Survive a bit longer, to endure long enough to Fight again in what is a Memory—[?] Oh, I suppose I will carry on in this working of the Days that come to me as easy as Eating----->”Take this Fruit & the Other Dies”----->I believed this Shaking to resemble the Street in which I was standing & you always told me “Believing means Believing / everywhere” thus I let my Head roll to the thide as there was nothing Left to still, nothing left to uncover this Image of my Body dancing, alone in a Darkening Room at Dusk, but there was still this----->There was this Street where I fell, there was Blood, I was alone & I cried or, maybe I was not alone & I approached a Stranger & I was asking for the Name of the Street where I used to Live & I did not remember in which City----->Either way, Please tell me where it all Begins & the Violent Death that’ll Claim me as it’s own, before I have yet to, finished to Speak---->If this is a Dream, this makes Sense, how I march myself into it all, only to thumble again from Line to Line up/on Thought on/up Thought right here in the Muddle of this Field. I know I know, it is not known, but this Throat as the City Streets, are filled with Gravel yet, this Blood on my Lips suggest it’s closer to a Groveling thus----->tell me to Spit & I’ll Spit it/up & go the rest of the Journey alone---->Route: wherever it is, I will find myself in the most unlikely of Places but one in which, she’ll approach me from Behind & Whisper something Dark in my Ear, something about Abduction or, the Holes that are found in Feet that are always walking away, always suffering from a nothing, which gives Rise to Reason to Celebrate all the more this Little Daily Dilly Dallying in our Hearts
