Friday, July 30, 2010

Monitor (Entertainment Weekly, #1114 - August 6, 2010)


Touchy, yet something sparks, and yet the feeling is indifferent to the fuzz on her belly so much so it feels like feathers. The unbearable pain will be coupled with something like joy, at first, lost, and felt again, in time.


Two by two by two by two by three. once, by two by two they don’t know one another anymore they’re too two.


“In saying the historic metrics of garbage resound the foul, I failed to mention that there were other things, less negative in the view of runaway horses, and I will attempt to re-do them to reflect the color of the new skies.”

This is an apology for what? My body?

And, yes, the penis always points forward - to create, upward - to get away, or down - to just be left alone, thanks.


We went all the way out. We wanted to hear the reasons. For his part, he said he didn’t have a thing to say other than “not guilty”. He was guilty. He was a Mt. Fuji of guilty. You can’t see a damn thing out here, and he knows it, so his demands for more blankets are rewarded, even though he’s sitting on so many blankets.

She says he isn’t guilty too. She says this with a full belly, satisfied by dinner (she had two chicken breasts and a side of rice). She pats it, her belly as she says this, like a baby yet to be born.


Hilary Swank, 36

July 30

Christopher Nolan, 40

July 30

J.K. Rowling, 45

July 31

Mary-Louise Parker, 46

August 2