Wednesday, April 30, 2014


He’s the stoned kid in
the hustlers backpack,
giving cards to violence
because that’s just
the thing you do.

Take that body as the
largest collection of Matt
landscapes, and remember
to say his name, always,
out loud when he comes.

The thought of today didn’t
come to me in exactly the same
way it did yesterday, but then
again, I wasn’t so made of fear
as I am now, hearing the horn.

It’s easy to piss off an old guy
who always waves his hand
at you, crowing in a voice that
sounds like death dying, even
when you’re just crossing a street.

You part your proof as you do
your hair:  straight, but slightly
to the side. You saw a great ass
and you called it bad, but that
was just because he wore cool



These are the last shoes you’re ever going to wear today. They’re in the trash by now, likely picked up by someone who makes significantly less than you, and that means significantly less than life. Thanks for nothing, you stupid cunt. You threw away your best shoes up until now. This is the last song that you’ll sing about you, even as the nuances get lost in the holes in the soles.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

11:11 (almost)

I just now looked at the clock to see it was 11:11 PM (PST).

As I usually do in situations like these, I made a private wish to myself (I'm a somewhat superstitious person, all things considered):

"I wish for a good..."

The clock turned to 12 before I could finish my wish. 

I'll take that for good enough, for now. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Swimming Pool

And you chose not to
or are you concerned that
you spent too much time
considering? believing
yourself lost to the science
that you read about and only
rarely experiment with?

The huge fault here is yours
and not the monstrous black eye’d
remember, like lightning in a funeral
casket, forever buried under distant
distress – are you running? running
for your health? Or are you running
for your life, being lived as escape?

Skull clinking clattering, or the barge
has been well sent off well and, for that we
belong to those still lost at sea, glimpsing with
eyes burdened with burnt plunges, sinking deep
in the swimming pools of your distant eyes,
those eyes still telling stories like the children

who always go to, and stay, in the deep end.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Come (Again) In Spring (Again)


these (themselves>) people quality

                        could just get mad, or

                                                                        open a slit.

Simply stop the wearing

                                                         a touching,
                                                         that we touch

when we are touched such.


the place for plans
or hoisted blistered
un*planned for,
or just as well
we’re just saying



perhaps as a
                        hapless happenstance

perhaps I’ll like her,

                                    after all.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

SELFIE, 2.348c


self-portrait, yet again, as always

This notion has become a comic sense, becoming what a whip of the word is to only become an industrialized society.

I live the life of a 12-inch solver, only by my feet. The records of career ump tempts careered upon as inevitable and collapsing.

 Some times I want to fuck and sometimes I don’t.

And the times between them are littered with mothers and friends and frank conversations about toast.

I like my toast, toasted, with avocado and big flakes of sea salt, strewn like little children clothes, all over the edible.

I am an asshole.

(That is a persona I present, from time to time.)

I am a loveable bear.

(That is a personal I present, from time to time, depending.)

I am what you want me to be.

(That is, when you want me to be something I can do; something that is disrupted when what you ask is something you want me to be and I have to say, no, I cannot be that which you want me to me.)

This thing called self:  such a wonderful waste of an image altogether.