Friday, July 2, 2010

Foxtrot Fidget

Each burn towards the other leaving the other lasting and sound

A matter of belching and squeezing the sound out of the rest of the place

a heart races

the figure moves

The ultimate nature of the pleasure of the men is the same as pleasure felt

As sounds to know the truth as women sit and talk about one another, truthfully

some cry

some cry a lot

Is that chair going to keep sitting there, looking at me, looking like a vagina

And are the vapors going to hold just for a minute like the 60 year old drag queen

too much rouge

& minor adjustments

A risible dripple down the floor as a hampering for distance and quench the quake

Behind the town where the trees riot higher and reach, always reaching, never reaching

their leaves fall

like quenched crying

If the distance is perfect then as you walk away there is a more perfect perfect coming

And if the one can evade the long tie time the gleaming great-hearts are there with it

singing and

staging war

This isn’t a game and playing around with the emotions of real human beings will fail you

There will be other failings and too many hang-ups and there is something I need to tell you

I haven’t told

anyone, anyone

To observe so many ways of moving green, murder as growing grass and cutting up the other bits

The nevering abandon grows and plants secrets where the growing gives up and turns to simple gas

what the hole

is for

The comes in and stands in the room the cleanness of understanding shifts the blame to the other room

Do you fathom what this means, when the curl and flutter comes close to being a great idea in the horror

lips to grip

and wet nights

If you fall and take the choice in choosing you know you made your choice by not standing so still

Still, there are tempers to treason the gadgets that help to make the choice and they’re en route, stalled

somewhere up

there in the Bronx

And the entire household contains all the non-mourning relatives that have nowhere else to go this time

And the guest bedrooms all moan at night, the lurk, click, discipline for darkness, and slushing in the dark

a simple shush

and small stains

To be punished and rewarded in the same sentence and feels like men and moms moving to another town

Like taking the road because you’ve been taking it your whole life and don’t know what road means

too late to say

love wasn’t it

Going courting with the missing parts and the blessings that hover over the bed and beckon for more fruit slices

The word for “neither” you have doesn’t reckon to the real reasons that make your face so fancy and

so simple it

doesn’t smile

Up the back, higher, fanning, falling, filling up the rest of the basin, and forging a document like a family

No faces as cloaks and the eulogy allows some to grow apart and others to grow as one, they all share so much

genes and sisters

sharing jeans

The day disappears as calmly as it arrived and forgets all about the stress of the inbetween bits

There was no being there for him, on the holidays, and it killed he wasn’t there for his family and

what did he do

unlikely to be true

We move to the music now and dance and sway to hold each other closer and that feels and we’re so close

And the breath, the trimmed beats, the alignment of the metronome makes it monotonous and boring and

we call that

enough for now

In a time when moving makes Colorado seem comfy there are other places still to move to and that’s alluring

Here it comes, outstretched and whistling the whimper as if it were a song, a song stable enough to dance to

forward, forward

and side close