Sunday, July 18, 2010

Having a Diet Sunkist With You

Is even better than taking a bath

as I don’t like baths much anyway

but I like your language is well enough

enough and that’s what makes it matter

partly because I have the fortune of blood

on your arm, partly because I ensured my

bodily functions, partly because you grunted,

bent at the head. Partly because you keep so

solemn where the light did hid. It is hard to

have kept the bruising, believing that one day

this fresh will be fresh and not solid in its candy.

And the specials make a meaning even better

by socializing with the torn made,

and this picture seems like more than what was

taken, it’s pixels, and you suddenly in the moment

wonder if those numbers mean you

So, there are ways to look and mean nothing

but looking at you, nothing better than the soft

fusion of the hard made easy because you look nice

and I trip over it and you spill yourself all over it

but naturally make your way in, manners being your

strong suit, and I never think of Stein when looking

at you or the drawings in the distant halls they look

so empty and the tree near the apartment where

we once sang, the place where I spent time being

wildly unfaithful to you

and we were all cheated out of

some enormous experience which is not going to go

wasted on me

and why I won’t be

telling you about it.