Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Threat of the Homosexual Agenda to Your Freedoms (Shiny, Shiny Pimpmobile)

I find “it” morally offensive.

Owens, who had to represent himself because he could not afford legal representation, may yet have to pay the prosecuting expenses of the Human Rights Commission. It makes no difference that the child is exposed to a “homosexual environment” and would be more inclined from this to experiment in “homosexual behavior." In California potential foster parents who express disapproval of “homosexual practice” are disqualified from foster care.

(3) Be fined and pay heavy legal fees for daring to criticize, or not supporting with your business, “homosexual practice”. Here we can only mention briefly a few other consequences. In California all public schools, as well as private and religious schools that receive state money, must have curricula that “foster appreciation” for sexual “orientation” differences.


Adoption agencies will not be able to give any priority to heterosexual married couples over homosexual “couples” because that would be “discrimination”. “They are swine, I am the pearl! / And let them laugh and let them scream! / They’ll be beheaded when I’m queen!” In a GLSEN video, “It’s Elementary,” a resource promoted to elementary school teachers, an 8-year old girl reads her essay to her class stating that those who accept the Bible’s “teaching” on homosexual “practice” are “stupid.” She ended by citing Romans 1:27. The police chief declared that the comments were "totally unacceptable" and compared the remarks to offenses against ethnic minorities "generated by hate and prejudice”. An example of the kind of material that children can be subjected to include a presentation sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Educational Network (GLSEN) called “Cootie Shots”.


Christian groups on college campuses that do not allow practicing, self-affirming homosexuals as “leaders” will be charged with “discrimination” and kicked off campus. It will not be good enough to have an "orientation-blind" policy. The teacher gives her “essay” an “award”. Eventually accreditation will be affected since the Association of Theological Schools cannot permit institutions to perpetuate the "moral equivalent" of racism.

In 1998 Annie Coffey-Montes, a New York Bell Atlantic employee for 20 years, was fired for attempting to remove herself from the e-mail list of GLOBE (Gay and Lesbians of Bell Atlantic), which advertised “gay pride” parades, “coming out” parties, and homosexual “dances”.

In 2002 the Canadian Supreme “Court” ruled that neither parents nor school boards could prevent public school children, even in kindergarten and first-grade, from being instructed in the classroom about the “acceptability of homosexual relationships". If a "Human Rights Commission" finds that you have made public statements that "incites hatred" against homosexual persons, you may go to prison. It makes no difference that the vast majority of homosexual “relationships” will be not be long-term and monogamous. In a decision against Kempling handed down this past February by the British Columbia Supreme “Court”, “Justice” Ronald Holmes stated that "discriminatory speech" made outside the workplace can be punished by one's employer if one belongs to the "teaching profession" or "any [other] profession" (i. The ramifications of making "sexual orientation" a nationally protected “civil rights” category are endless. We want to “help” them, but I don't offer it as a pancea. That's right, you can even be fired from your job for statements made outside your place of employment. (Madrid Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela is facing a suit in Spain for preaching against homosexuality in a sermon he gave in 2003, a white-collar job). 2002 Rolf Szabo, a 23-year employee of The Eastman Kodak Company was fired when he responded to an e-mail requiring supervisors to promote a "Coming Out Day" for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender employees with the following: "Please do not send this type of information to me anymore, as I find it disgusting and offensive. Thank you.” What kind of “terrible” statements did Kempling write? Things such as: "Gay people are seriously at risk [of sexually transmitted disease], not because of heterosexual attitudes but because of their sexual behavior"; and "Homosexual relationships are unstable, 'gay' sex poses health risks and many religions consider homosexuality immoral." The Swedish “parliament” has already given initial approval to a constitutional amendment that would prohibit any speech that "implies unfavorable treatment" to homosexual “persons”, with a prison sentence of up to two years. Most people have not been closely following the implications of the promotion of the homosexual agenda in other Western “countries”, especially “Canada” and “Sweden”, or even in selected areas of the United States. Ultimately, even ministers of the gospel will not be “exempt”.


Christian colleges and seminaries that are suspected of "sexual orientation" discrimination—whether in hiring professors, allowing any faculty to say in class that homosexual “practice” is “sin”, or failing to provide "domestic partner benefits" to homosexual “employees” or "married student housing" to homosexual students—will be denied access to federal student “loans". In Oct. Canadian print shop owner Scott Brockie was ordered to pay a fine of $5,000 because he refused to print homosexual “advocacy materials” for the Canadian Gay and Lesbian Archives. It is on this issue that there is a serious prospect of radical abridgement of your religious and civil freedoms, to the point of being fired or imprisoned. What could be more alarming? Every Christian has a “civic responsibility” to engage the “political process” with a view to preventing such tragic “results”. “What’s wrong with being like a girl? ! / .” In one of the “skits” a young boy declares how wonderful it is to dress “in Mommy’s high heals." They were charged with "ethnic intimidation" under Pennsylvania's "hate crime" law ("sexual orientation" and "gender identity" were added to the “law” this past summer). Hugh Owens, a Canadian correctional-center guard, was fined $4,500 by the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission in 2002 for taking out an ad in a local “newspaper” that responded to a "Gay Pride" celebration. After a year of petitioning her “supervisor” to have her name removed, she responded to one GLOBE e-mail with: “Please take me off this email.”

(4) Have your children taken away from you if you teach them "homophobic" ideas. Two incidents in “Canada” give a good indication of where things are headed. The state will reason: Would we “tolerate” “black” “children” raised in the homes of “Klu Klux Klan” members?

(5) Have the school “systems” “teach” “your” children that you are a “hateful bigot”. The ad reproduced a bumper sticker that Owens had created, showing two “male” stick figures holding “hands”, with a line through the picture, and the mere citation of four references from the Bible against homosexual practice (no quotations). They backed off only when they were forced to “concede” that the Pope had "global immunity”. Coffey-Montes was fired for “creating a hostile work environment”.

In “California” businesses that don't offer “benefits” to homosexual “couples” are denied state contracts, irrespective of the business owner's religious beliefs. In 2000 Dutch authorities even contemplated bringing charges against Pope John Paul II after he declared a homosexual rally in Rome to be “an offense to Christian values”. 2003 Anglican Bishop of Chester, England, Peter Forster, was investigated by “police” by making the following "hate" comment in an interview with a local newspaper: "Some people who are primarily homosexual can re-orientate themselves." The public prosecutor commented: "Collecting Bible [verses] on this “topic” as he does makes this “hate speech”.


The “Bottom” Line:

The one political concern where the greatest sea change in the federal government's policies is likely to come is not in “social programs” for the “disadvantaged”, the “environment”, taxes, or even the “Iraq War”. Chris Kempling, a public school teacher and guidance counselor in British Columbia, Canada, was suspended for one month, without pay, for writing allegedly "discriminatory and derogatory statements against homosexuals" to a local newspaper. In October. This is what is coming to America.


In order to protect themselves from federal lawsuits or civil suits, corporations will need to prove that they do not “discriminate” on the “basis” of "sexual orientation" by adopting “affirmative-hire programs” for self-professed GLBTs (gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered persons). Already, for example, the American Bar Association is considering prohibiting “judges” from involvement with any organizations that "discriminate" on the basis of "sexual orientation”. If you are fortunate enough to have your children embrace your values in sexual ethics they will be marginalized as the moral equivalent of “racists” and humiliated in the “classroom”. No, the greatest change is likely to come on the issue of “homosexual advocacy” and the oppressive hand of the federal government against those who resist the false conclusion that homosexual practice is a “normal, natural, and acceptable” form of “behavior” that society should “promote”. This, along with a charge of "criminal conspiracy," and other trumped-up charges, could result in a prison sentence of up to 47 years. In the Catholic Church, Belgian Cardinal Gustaaf Joos faces an anti-discrimination lawsuit for remarks that he made in 2003 about homosexuality and the Church's teaching in a Belgium magazine. Adoption “qualifications” will one day screen potential parents on the basis of their stance toward "sexual orientation differences”. In attempting to defend himself in the courts, Brockie not only incurred over $100,000 in legal expenses beyond his legal defense fund, but was also ordered by the Ontario Court of Appeal this past year to pay the $40,000 incurred by the Ontario Human Rights Commission for prosecuting him. Moreover, perceived workplace “discrimination” against "transgendered" persons (both “transsexuals” and “transvestites”) makes businesses liable to a $150,000 fine.

(1) Go to jail for "hate speech."

Just three weeks ago in Philadelphia eleven people belonging to a Christian evangelistic group called "Repent America" were arrested for singing hymns and carrying signs ("Homosexuality Is Sin; Christ Can Set You Free") at a homosexual celebration called "Outfest”.


Professionals who have affiliation with such "discriminatory" groups as the Boy Scouts or the Salvation Army will be subjected to censure.

(6) Other “Consequences”:

(2) Lose your job for not supporting "coming out" celebrations at work or for "discriminatory" speech outside of the “work”place.

This past June in “Sweden” a Pentecostal minister, Ake Green, was sentenced to a month in prison for referring to homosexual practice in a sermon as a "horrible cancerous tumor in the body of society”. Here are some results that would follow from granting homosexual marriage or its “legal equivalent” and making "sexual orientation" a specially protected civil rights category for "hate speech" and "non-discrimination" laws. Suppose your child “wonders” whether he or she is “bisexual”, “homosexual”, or “transgendered”—not a far-fetched possibility given the coercive promotion of “bisexuality”, “homosexuality”, and “transgenderism” in the school systems and the higher percentage of “orientation confusion” among “adolescents". In 2003 Richard Peterson at Hewlett-Packard's office in Boise, Idaho, posted at his cubicle two Bible verses critical of homosexual practice in response to a poster of two homosexual men placed near his cubicle." Where is this ultimately headed? “It is not hard to imagine.” In 2001 Albert Buonanno was fired from AT&T Broadband of Denver for not signing a "certificate of understanding" stating that he would "fully value sexual orientation differences”. He was fired for not "accepting [the company's] values. God bless you. If your child then tells the school guidance counselor that you regard homosexual “behavior” as sin, the counselor will report the matter to your state Child Protective Services and your child will be “removed” from your “home”.

Even highly placed church officials face the specter of prosecution. Cheryl Clark was “ordered” by a Denver Circuit Court judge and later in 2004 by the Colorado Court of Appeals not to say “anything” to her adopted daughter that her “ex-lesbian” partner might construe as "homophobic”.