Thursday, February 10, 2011

By Accident [Re(mix)04]


noun \ˈak-sə-dənt, -ˌdent; ˈaks-dənt\

Definition of ACCIDENT


a: an unforeseen and unplanned event or circumstance b: lack of intention or necessity : chance


a: an unfortunate event resulting especially from carelessness or ignorance b: an unexpected and medically important bodily event especially when injurious c: an unexpected happening causing loss or injury which is not due to any fault or misconduct on the part of the person injured but for which legal relief may be sought d —used euphemistically to refer to an involuntary act or instance of urination or defecation


: a nonessential property or quality of an entity or circumstance

See accident defined for English-language learners »

Examples of ACCIDENT

1. He was injured in an accident at work.

2. The accident happened when her car slid on a patch of ice.

3. Investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the accident.

4. Their meeting was an accident.

5. It is just an accident that they arrived when they did.

6. She says that her pregnancy was an accident.

Origin of ACCIDENT

Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin accident-, accidens nonessential quality, chance, from present participle of accidere to happen, from ad- + cadere to fall — more at chance

First Known Use: 14th century

Related to ACCIDENT

Synonyms: casualty, mischance, mishap

Related Words: calamity, cataclysm, catastrophe, cropper, deathblow, disaster, tragedy; bummer, knock, misadventure, misfortune; collision, crack-up, crash, smashup, wreck

Near Antonyms: boon, break, fluke, godsend, miracle, strike, windfall; fortune, luck, serendipity

Rhymes with ACCIDENT

aliment, Blaenau Gwent, circumvent, compartment, complement, compliment, confident, devilment, diffident, discontent, document, evident, heaven-sent, implement, incident, instrument, Jack-a-Lent, malcontent, nonevent, Occident, ornament, orient, provident, regiment, reinvent, represent, re-present, resident, Saint-Laurent, sediment, self-content, subsequent, supplement

They shouldn’t call this an accident.

A cinematic display of “defects”, perhaps. Codes that damage your cannot reading thing.

Chosen by users as used by users.

Sufficiently correct to answer in the affirmative.

Permission is granted by concepts of Journalism.

Look at this:

Standard orders of red verbs and magazine filler. If you are intending to scan, see. iCan but not identity tinker into the custom fault line broken. Disabling by slicking these efforts over warm, thin ice.

Look at this:

This kinetic reason for being broke.

And look at this:

Synonyms are just found objects for accidents.

The non-literary project shares as much with TV as the literate polite. Redirect the labor, honey, it’s cold outside.