Tuesday, February 15, 2011

35 Details // 35 Accidents

35 Details // 35 Accidents


1. A Witness Hit me & went (Consumed) under my “Hood”

2. The Other Body, Collided with Mine, without giving warning of it’s fucking Intention

3. “I had been learning to drive-down with the Force of my Desire upon the Entirety of *this (is, my) City. I turned (to, upturn) my Body to what I thought was enough breath of Space & found myself 10 years later, pummeling-through in a different Direction, going entirely the Opposite way that I had once envisioned “

4. Going Home, I drove right-into the wrong Woman & collided with a Dream I no longer can have

5. “I thought my Guard was UP; but found that it was DOWN when You put your Hand right-through my Heart”

6. There was no One to blame for this Accident, but IT never would have happened IF I had been more Alert

7. The Witness had no Idea which Direction it was “TO GO”, so I ran him the fuck-over

8. “I saw the slow-moving World was the sad-faced Man I had always been the One, who 10 years later would bounce off the Hood of your Heart”

9. “I had been driving for 30 Years when I fell asleep & awoke one Day in this Accident”

10. “I was taking my *Ass to the Hospital & somehow IT got loose from my arms & flew right the fuck-out the Window. The next thing I saw was it’s fucking rear-ends the Crash all-up my *Ass—[!]”

11. “I was backing my *Ass out of your Driveway in the usual (Glorious) manner when the fucker was struck by the other *Ass in the same fucking place where my fucking *Ass had been struck several times Before”

12. The Indirect cause of this Accident was a little fucker in a small *Ass with a Big Fucking Mouth

13. This Accident happened when a swinging *Ass came around the corner without giving me one fucking Signal

14. “I was thrown from my Body as it left the Road in Ruin.”

15. This Morning, I was found in a big fucking ditch by some Stray Cocks

16. “I had been strolling for Pussy all Day & was on my way Home, dejected. As I reached an Intersection, a Great Big ol’ Bitch of an *Ass sprung the fuck-up, obscuring my Vision”

17. “I was on the way to the Doctor with some in-fucking-sane Rear End trouble when the World’s Bowels gave way causing me to have one hell of a fucking Accident”

18. “I was sure as shit that the Old Fucker would never make it to the other side of the Road when I struck Him.”

19. “I told my Wife, that I was not Injured, but on removing my Hat, I found that sadly, my Skull was Fractured.”

20. “My fucking Wench slipped, causing me to lose my Balance & I hurt my Baby, come Back

21. “I was unable to STOP in Time & my Heart crashed right-into You.”

22. “I then left immediately for a Vacation consumed with my Injuries”

23. To Avoid hitting the Bumper of that Big fucking *Ass in front of me, I struck the fucking Witness instead

24. This Accident occurred when I was attempting to bring my *Ass out of a skid by steering it into your loving Hands

25. When I could not Avoid a Collision, I stepped the fuck on the Gas & crashed all-up-in that other Ass

26. “I collided with your Lips, as they were coming the other way.”

27. In my Attempt to kill a Fly, I drove into your Pole

28. "My *Ass was legally parked as it backed into your Face.”

29. As I approached the Intersection, a Stop Sign suddenly fucking appeared in a fucking Place where no motherfucking Stop Sign had ever fucking appeared before.

30. Your Pole was approaching really fucking Fast. I was attempting to swerve the fuck-out its Path when it struck my Throat from the front end

31. That Motherfucking *Ass backed through my fucking Windshield & right into my fucking Wife’s Face—[!]

32. I pulled out & glanced at my Mother-in-Law & headed the fuck-over the Embankment

33. This fucking Guy was all trying to avoid my fucking *Ass. Listen, I had to swerve a number of fucking times before I finally hit him with IT

34. Dear God, an invisible *Ass came out of nowhere, struck my Face & vanished—[!]