Monday, December 6, 2010

Annunciation Day - Part 2

annunciation day pt 2


She, roam-in room & meat, lips, time packing this meat-in, neat-in.

Help, the poor-came & down-come on mouth her ground-on.

Fact: happy here-to was never-was.

Little spasming within the insides, loudly scrawling to the surface & reached pretty thick-it, with-it.

Quickly, the old, uncontrollable lot from the Top would-rise, but burnt the mouth-sides.

Almost hearing, she-pressed upon siphoning, at last, continued to-come in a come-on.

In shifted her, from here to there, to finally.

She & because this rolling, this Body lost: loss forms in the belly-full.

Hard & the cunt very-on against dick-pressed this ready-on in Head, heading in the direction of lurching back, together-back.

She & before focus-in grabbed that flesh hardened still-in.

Cold, open, falling away from body-away.

With each fall, each withdrew tighter, to thought, to trouble, to she-tighter.

Toward the Hand, misses the wall was anyone’s to grip.

She kids, or else, really “yeah, needed the Hands.”

The Face: just-face.

When going-in, please me fucking a tortuous-something.

Plenty was sipped in heat, hint-heat her coughing so-slowly shows what’s due.

Sweating in shirt-sweat. Couples to rift-reason.

Never fuck, raising & ready to start-off this fucking-up. Such as were-is & which was-is.

She, pausing, unfocused, moving, if she could.

“Can we smudge in this—[?]” She hard-up against, me, tired, taken.

Dick-each eat one-each.

Bodies, cradling-grates.

Then, she-all stood, straining, so-glistening & tongue-trailing.

Meat met-tired & tongue-tired, tired meat-pleasure

& newly-face formed something & ramming-hard near you-hard


She rest, then bit-lips.

Spoons, around the Body, she thought-some: mymymy, swollen.

This: butt-cuddle

Catch hard breath-her, made: “Oh, Guys” laying & like “May I never lay-in, in-you, You.” She, sucking-in, on bed, on her, onto this way of pantying-through, the apartment, washing-in, light-fucked.

More fascinating: The Floor, when fucking-falling

Rubbed, at the tip, bit & muscle-blazed in Head & she moved, beat-in & saying “Tiny.” Tiny & held, spasm into the dick-her signs, makes this down-held.

The Thigh & beautiful, she maybe as me thinking “when Young was not living-when.”

& You, on her lips-sure, shit-way of saying “Help Me.”

& little-face bent, to-put, back-boy get & get started-boy.

& Bit: seemed to be-upon my thighs

& she-rough & came on legs-c’mon

Even a bit-seasoned the lip, okay. Went limp, naturally & came-into a non, to come-stop.

Little by little into hard-presses the legs, into Body, collects-through the way she “got crept” in-you

Guided when she bent to bit: & cunt-me.

Caressing, vulnerable & grabbed-into morning.

still-finally forming.

I knew, I new-you: seeing the door closing-through


Frantic, in the airshaft: all coughing, all cheeks, all chattering.

Screams, hard & she, moving in-to finally the across his underside. Beset & tightening around what over-sized knew wouldn’t her.

She, awakes in you-again.

Formed & violated the hell-of-the-world, kissing, cold & licking.

Humming through the Head, beginning.

Mating & trying to help-hand in this agony-down. Then, as cunt, fingers to thigh, trailing, suddenly.

She, closing to let-in the come-down.

She on-to his, here stretched-tight, never came, cupped.

Spotted & rocking each Agony, physically eating while she can’t come.

Here, hands harm hard.

She, carefully fake-effect.

Tiny & fragrant-nude, knobbed.

Paused, something cold-cock drapes & relaxes right-off to pussy-rub, slow.

Lips: sloppify to trap-dick

Tight to throat & engorged, around, rhythmically.

Demanding: The Hands


Here, her heart, in Hand, between Thighs. Semen streaked in mischief. Window, mouth, closing to-her.

Unbelievably out-dicked, here, the blood.

Here: her not & is-now



Softly, bent-back on butt-cheek.

Liberally bribed with her-tongue



Body, turned, to flesh-lump, grandly slip-shaping around each cheek.

Face, completely, became a Well, drowning.

Nails: pulling, scraping.

One more Bit, bit-more.

Soft-sucking to enough come-suck.


She, in her eyes, screws-you. Legs faced to slept-up & You.

In & suddenly, Hand became handed-lunch.

To then, creased & ceased moaning, in Hand, slowly, dragging-down.

Slow, between my bit-spot on so-sucking this slides so-pussy.

Pussy: now cheek to cock, bit-fingered like you, how you like-it now

Toes, curling, tightening, compressing-in as the feeling-in


Still & boned as really before-felt the knee-bent, limply sliding a little-into Throat.

Mouth, opened, warned, that sucking-would slide pregnant-finger enough fucking-finger

There alone-done, Well Done

Slowly, a pleasure-slowly.