Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Figure (451-500)


the figure


from The Figure (451-500)

Fig. 451 I attempt, to speak of the “ejecting pressure” now stranglethat which leaves me effacing a Face struggling, in Bed, in the Train ejaculating-out my Face is this Image: “I’m Oh so” so pornamently-sad in my porny-porny unrest

Fig. 452 The Question remains: was I *not one Hell of a Majestic Bastard—[?]

Fig. 453 Each medium has a modicum-skulled from meaning meaning my Body is what is left after the boom, harvesting, scavenging-upon all those who had been scathed, all those who had been blow-apart from *this World: engulfs in the Question: would I be blessed with a fierce-ending—[?]

Fig. 454 *This is the place of comfort, where Hope had left it’s frenzied glee

Fig. 455 The booty-shaking culmination of my Flesh all’up’in’ya Face

Fig. 456 *This is the place where The Head falls a hundred fathoms-deep to your earliest memories, its traces, the stark-storm of Youth & the girl with the soft-hands, stroking & stroking you right-on-through those astonishing nights, those “such a foreign-feeling” when being-touched by this tonguing all-over You

Fig. 457 Awaking, in the morning, the wind-beating & turning-over towards the sallow-hue of You

Fig. 458 & as of sudden-sir, I was toppled-right over with the strangling-stir within me, as if something was being-remembered, something which filled the air with a sad-crippling me

Fig. 459 Fault, or falter, the matter is: Boy, you-be getting fatter

Fig. 460 There are plenty of reasons to crumble

Fig. 461 How firmly, how adamantly the Body closes its base to answer “I will elude that mouth that forces-me to Sleep”

Fig. 462 My soft purring-upon thy possession

Fig. 463 Hurrying away from the apartment, from the Scene, that offered you the fulfillment of a terrible-terrible Face

Fig. 464 By some unconquerable bushy-wilderness

Fig. 465 Thou thinkest about thy singing cock, yes—[?]

Fig. 466 Falling, backwards, into bed, yawning, turning, smiling, closing

Fig. 467 Today, without a doubt, I am on the brink of totally, utterly, without fail, gun’a’happen: losing my good-god shit

Fig. 468 In an instant: I seizured along a freezing firm-feeling until you said “c’mere You”

Fig. 469 Barfing in the Sky

Fig. 470 There exists a point which points to the Exit of the City, pruning it-down to its barest parts, which is a baring-all which converges with my own constructing-upon the construction of The City anew in my Body each day

Fig. 471 Each day eases my fear of that which never-erases: may I may I betray what I may-say

Fig. 472 The Body is always a heavy-rain against itself

Fig. 473 You, yourself, never gave-face, but my-oh-my how you loved to be seen-smiling

Fig. 474 With the loss of admiration, some things change, some things become-thicker to handle to odd: I think of the Pigeon that my mouth, unfortunately, happened-upon last week

Fig. 475 O’Whom // O’You—[?] Oh, poo

Fig. 476 It is entirely in Fact: The Body is not fucking useful when submitting to other Bodies

Fig. 477 To whom does on show the sloppy Show of The Figure: the *Act of opening the cupping of my Heart, complete—[?]

Fig. 478 The Body’s effectiveness depends-upon it’s Trigger held with an “armed” Hand in stead of “instead”

Fig. 479 Every atom, every particle, every corner, every fold, every limb, every gesture of my Body shall be your personal, & oh-so secret Vibrating Dildo

Fig. 480 My special relationship to the thought: “lick’it in the thick’it then stick’it” is my Subject I will subject for today

Fig. 481 On the brink of Disaster how thy hangest-thy Self

Fig. 482 I think of myself, as one who is sinking not-sinking Sinking in the head-sinking is what Today, I am sinking-into thinking is sinking

Fig. 483 We begin by considering the form of “Shhh…” as in “Shush, shush-shush now”

Fig. 484 /th/—/sh/ forms th’shhh up-porn your Lips in-to the lube in which, eroticism can be processed

Fig. 485 I am not going to stop that dog from mauling my Face with my own-face is my fucking-face

Fig. 486 The Yawning of The Body underneath the Wings of a frightened-pigeon, Pigeon

Fig. 487 The muscling-up of the music on my crisp-whiskers whisping in the Wind is but a whisper

Fig. 488 During the Night, we awake, directing ourselves towards the Lake & we watch a mysterious Figure moving its left Hand over its right Hand, rhythmically stripping the bones-stripping off someone’s Bones you know

Fig. 489 I am trying, truly trying to be as Violent as I can be, but your resistance is weak & this delivers me into the very bowels of my Crisis

Fig. 490 Is *this World truly all (s)—// ick //—(s) in my thick-shit materiality—[?]

Fig. 491 For thee for thee by the power of thee gaping in-me

Fig. 492 I am an irremediable, sultry Bitch; crossing-out some Self with myself: “Why yes, I’m the anti-communal, myself”

Fig. 493 “C’mere Darling & put your motherfucking beautiful butt-up on my softening-face

Fig. 494 My propensity for Cruelty (is fucking-effortless)

Fig. 495 “A” becomes a Figure backlit from the back “shiiiiit”—“A” good-god this a booty-catastrophe—[!]

Fig. 496 Funny how bodily-gore can be the Bore I bore

Fig. 497 It was then I thought “I thought fierce” as if, The Body (was-filth) was the final-resource of (against my) Authority’s sojourn


Fig. 498 The Dawn this winter-rises in shit-streaks your precious-wittle Cheeks

Fig. 499 The Figure: (boomed) after-each Act (boomed) so to physically-shatter (boomed)coinciding with “here, not now” (boomed) one hell-of-a Heartbreaking Recipe

Fig. The Body is my Grace CORRECTION The Body is Trash CORRECTION The Body is pulled-from the Trash CORRECTION The Body is finger-fucking my cavernous maw CORRECTION The Body is the Word for my Warrant CORRECTION The Body is the Totality of my Flesh CORRECTION The Body is the baring of Teeth CORRECTION The Body is a faltering Altar CORRECTION The Body is broke CORRECTION The Body is breaking-up CORRECTION The Body is thy Booke CORRECTION The Body shits-out my Story CORRECTION The Body is my rot CORRECTION The Body is rot CORRECTION The Body rots CORRECTION The Body is rotting CORRECTION The Body is thy Ideal Face CORRECTION The Body is layed-upon your Table CORRECTION The Body is thy offering CORRECTION The Body is Majestic CORRECTION The Body is turning-towards CORRECTION The Body is turning-against CORRECTION The Body cannot go-back CORRECTION The Body is in Doubt CORRECTION The Body is what I Doubt CORRECTION The Body mourns-itself CORRECTION The Body dawns to Quiet CORRECTION The Body is hoarding its Secrets CORRECTION The Body is pooh-pooh CORRECTION The Body giggles in its own Poo CORRECTION The Body is thy corpus CORRECTION The Body is the plural-else CORRECTION The Body is the pussy-or-else—[!] CORRECTION The Body is a Quiet Pleasure CORRECTION The Body booms CORRECTION The Body is caving in-on my Ribs CORRECTION The Body is thy Holy Violation CORRECTION The Body is an emptied Thing CORRECTION The Body is a rumor CORRECTION The Body is a rumor on your Lips CORRECTION The Body is my vocational Violence CORRECTION The Body is a warping World CORRECTION The Body is a Hole CORRECTION The Body is not a Hole CORRECTION The Body is an ever-expanding Hole CORRECTION The Body is depressing a Hole CORRECTION The Body is crouching-over CORRECTION The Body is laying all-over CORRECTION The Body is my slow-reprieve CORRECTION The Body is fucking-over CORRECTION The Body is hung-over CORRECTION The Body is floating face-down CORRECTION The Body is holding-you Down CORRECTION The Body is an exploding Horizon CORRECTION The Body is fucking-up the Horizon CORRECTION The Body is thy Humiliation CORRECTION The Body takes-on the Form of my Embarrassment CORRECTION The Body got-popped CORRECTION The Body rages CORRECTION The Body greatly-rages CORRECTION The Body is a lumbering-bone CORRECTION The Body is a lumbering-bore CORRECTION The Body is falling-apart CORRECTION The Body is someone else’s Mess CORRECTION The Body needs to know CORRECTION The Body is a Message CORRECTION The Body is not a Message CORRECTION The Body is Pious CORRECTION The Body is spilled CORRECTION The Body is being-smashed CORRECTION The Body is Corrupt CORRECTION The Body is Restless CORRECTION The Body is Blessed CORRECTION The Body is breaking its Jaw CORRECTION The Body is a spoiled-bitch CORRECTION The Body is soiling-itself CORRECTION The Body is a sponge CORRECTION The Body is not a sponge CORRECTION The Body “is” CORRECTION The Body is odd CORRECTION The Body is commonness CORRECTION The Body is a dream CORRECTION The Body is feeling a surprise CORRECTION The Body is Solemn CORRECTION The Body is released CORRECTION The Body is scattering CORRECTION The Body is scat CORRECTION The Body is saying Goodbye CORRECTION The Body is resisting CORRECTION The Body needs-more—[?] CORRECTION