Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ornate as Lush PT 2 (Being Irate as being Ecstatically Lush)

"I am annoyed, I am so fucking annoyed" - Jean Genet

for Him


Being Irate as being Ecstatically Lush


Left out, the person, who is paved & knows in The Head “I can’t stomach this fucking Thing” in which, forms an Erection: connected by an Absence, a Body that forms-in, out of the passions “going out” & shit spreading all over the fucking-surface

The forming-of-this, tramples & The Hands: fertilely penetrates how this vomited down the Shaft, into Mouths, into Men, through the Years, all lacking a proper-licking of

Direction: falling, so as to move forward, to fold within this rotation of packing Bodies into fucking-bodies as little light opening

up: so as to make sense of what—[?]

Sometimes, the only recourse is puking


Thus, eroding, now, in darkness, asleep, purging

But the Order of these faces a reaction: these Bodies form, so as to only form a rotten-confusion, in part, through-you & reduced to a single Erection contemplating how best to deceive the others from thy Indecency.

A sewing of the Limbs, restrains-restraint exterior movements-move

Thus: an accumulation through erasing-through.

Turning, so to lift The Head, fucking-working a Body into an Earth into a verb: pointing to You, or better still, pointing towards-tonguing the Flesh, underneath, moving & tearing-itself

8 times tearing-away to an away-tearing:

1. Eject function-fucking scandals because shafts-trap

2. Eruptions-sucking, passing pussy

3. Criminally-shitting tightly, unite

4. Sucking-off, another giving-shitting

5. Over-come, starting, sooner, slit-slit

6. Open, Head, vomit-purely

7. Having-sucking, screaming-moaning

8. Covered-bloody “A” forming-weary


Thus: sick’it then lick’it in the thick’it

The Figure fucking-figures a storm-emerging, leads through, into Bodies arms-frenzy. Another, the screams-rise to a battling the gaze right-out the eyes-witness: Ass form-flowering, life-not, tracings-life & the Ass, the Sun & all that, fucking-below

Thus: sick’it then lick’it in the thick’it


“A” weighs the will-shits. Then Hours, falling, from the lips, into nothing-in, the trap, lapping up the meat-touches, the same as being-fucked & “A” fingering coitus-sun, in the ass-his, the time-more disappears to love-more & this meat-obscene which forms, on the Face, on the Skin, on the entirety of the body-slobbering each movement-mashing “A” to disappear I-may


Interpretation: The Fundamentally Violent & Erotic Earth, offers Avenues to my own Arousals in which I could pass, blindly through the Door, into a Body, fucking-the-life right out of the world-harms, happens. Even Identification, of my Arousals, would be terms of force that would force their coming-into my own acknowledgment, through the sinking-into Holes, falling-into this Life, which is a global-parody, of rage, fucking & again-fucking everything, towards the Sun, into the Sun, into that which would blind us all, through a most beautiful crimes-my, fucking Image



& in through the in-burned the Body, baby--------------->baked-body beyond, to the ecstasy of this coming-sucking this Image rots-to-sot in the soothing fucking-motion I got.

Back-trapped, slack-sacked, sitting-shitting

Thus: The Fall, continuously through the window, turning-tearing, tummy-thumbing the Body, a Specter, an Obscurity, an Indecency

Dirty & in the Center, a Throat of life-in, himself throngs under the water, under the entering-in a Harming, an opposition, of separating the limbs, into movements, into an effort of stopping-cracking,

& all those little Bones, bone-cracking.
