Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My Sincerely, ain't Sincerity

My Sincerely, ain’t Sincerity


Post-body, behavior-bitch, fist really-thought: “Adrian—[!]” which

butt-fucks my sincerity ain’t sincerely I’m tackling You into a roar,

working this public-sluts my clarity ain’t clearly someone’s bitchin’all

up’in this Voice: aspires to the Physical before it really fucks’up’yr day

okay—[?] I’m losing myself, before I can’t even stand you holding me

warmly, on the lower-slopes of The Body, oomphs in a Space reserved

for counting the Hours, before I sleep with your rear-ends in the mud

of this Life, was controversial concerning, laying, on the Floor, at night,

on a cold-slab, meat, in the Mouth biting & biting the Throat, with very step

you take, I will kick my Father, in the Face: a vestige of Sno, baby-baby

we’re on the verge of Death: I eulogized every Blow-Job I never gave time

to the Classics of literature: a place, I never meant to be: a Big Beautiful

Dick, on the Horizon, leaping into yr Face, lodged in my Lips, moving

in your body-trying to tear the fuck-out & about: I’m over-my Head

in Love with You, bringing all my-shit into your Mouth, embodies

no doubt, my dreams of really filthing-up & down your History, yawning

in the Garbage, collecting beneath my bed: has nothing to do with Love

is the paranoia, no doubt, banging the world-away as one by one my first-

born, then my second-born ran into the street where two beautiful Heads

were cracking under the pressure of the Heel, the Neck & all those beautiful

teeth cracking-up on the Curb, where I was sitting on the ground, when I first

touched the Skin of yr Face, so softly laying my Head, in your lap, under the Sun,

in July & how I slept & slept, running all the way down to your Feet