Tuesday, November 9, 2010

This is a Problem that goes far beyond the Unorganized Nature of my Thoughts

for Marty

This is a Problem that goes far beyond the Unorganized Nature of my Thoughts

(i.e. With a common emotional bias I proclaim, man must sleep~!

In other news: I detest the texture of this sandwich is not Autobiographical)


it’s amazing, being in the Prime of my loveliness

falls, from my Hands crumble the memories of

the next Great Disaster, that’ll be some Tale in

the future: I predict another night & my grand

annoyance with a Lover who spat, who stirred up

my intelligible boon of the swoon, from this Window

booms or, was that just a demon I enclosed in this

book, trapped my beautiful rubbing-one-out mistaken

for Gratification these days, seems less & less attainable

in the dying light I, borned the arc to engage in my own

stuffing you here in my Dreams, where the Earth is stale &

gaping it’s ass in the jaws of thinkers, tinkers this feeling

of being absolutely side-ways & tumbling into the Bed, into

your touching which is beginning to down me, beginning to

rumbling through the deepening eddies of all those Bodies I

unharvested this need to Sleep or, what it is that binds my

bones to you in this version of a Modern Horror shoves us

deeper to the design depends on how willing I am to freeze

under the lid of the World harvested many animals in thy

underbelly & folded seriously--------->what’s up with

all these dead branches holding these watchful rotten rodents

go rigid in my linguistics are cold & tensed against analogies

& further more the Shit just burns me into a Bore as the guttural

dickhead rose from my Fantasy & tenderly I wished that I would

not happen to be so terrible, to be so (terrible, I am) the ache in

my Hands feels even stronger these days seem to have no original

form, no thought: how long will one (one) feel dragged down

to the freezing variants of “I feel overcome” with such jerks &

the Joy, I think I missed a part of my childhood is firmly rooted

in the Thought----->”I, empty” through the bottom-feeders I feel

I’m increasingly living a life, that increases my animal-like nature

& how Natural it is to fall so far into----------->this will hold us

firmly in a brutish winter, in a liaise-faire that forms the Chaos, running

across the entirety of my back covered in soot, covered in howrels as

there came a primitive eruption------>who would guess that I alone, would

put end to this World flowers only to wither in advancing age I’m doughing

up in the middle of America is so cold in this vast land I trapped in my gap

was the watchful Bastard & so many great concussions await me in those stirred

Faces, which slacken to a Yawl & with each accumulating step I, face this

& drop, to my knees, in the loveliest form, I am simply fucking down

simmering on the wrong side of this town, which became a City, which

became thy agitator & shrieked like a rowdyrowdy Monkey straight on

down to my production had not fallen off the Charts, into the darkness &

daylight touched me here, in my Body, still tender against the Horizon &

this finefine weather in November fixed my posture, prouding upon these

flames, which was a Frame for these dying some days I wonder “would

you enjoy suffering in terms of” tickling this out of memories & such is the

state of the Individual I’m conscious yet slack-jawed & hungry for who

cares—[?] For we say so much shittyshit to feast upon in this World will

fucking burn us all on the 8th Day