Thursday, November 4, 2010

Spunkmaster – Lecture 11 & 12 (On the Nature of Why I am a Magician)

spunkmaster – lecture 11 & 12

(on the nature of why i am a magician or the Figure doubling & the armed arm inside “Arm” Inside

Believe you-me Buckaroo, it's great to play with yourself, but that's all you're doing. You're trying to fool the public. You think you’re clever? You ain’t clever. Why fool the public you dipshit?" – Boris Izsus


4.2 Of every *Fact, my shifts sliceshit upon the very nature of the slitorder, as they say, to say it, means to shitit in the most possible love—[erly] way in which to *Love, is to love, nothing but the rot & my rotation

4.211 The way these “Q—[s]” are positioned towards “A” likely disclose, his own hidden I, weight towards falsifying all truth-combinations without an iota of falsifying my sincerity, of which, I am given today, to giveth myself snorting it all away.

4.2112 & *they do nothing to, nor with it—[!]

4.22 For this expression, is of & the type chosen to distinct my words, sincerely propositioned, server—[ily]. On the other hand, we have Russell, he as going the anti—ways we do—de—do & this cannot be a variable to our reality. Thus, to sunction that fuck on the flip-side.

Thus, let’s begin this Impossible agreements in the proposition: Structure not “the this”, but rather suture then
Structure “the this is going in”—“IT”. “IT” is not a structure, but rather perhaps, a Figure I figure I’m getting
increasingly—[ily] confused with my Hands in all this material, which is to say, the Space of all of this I figure I,
Figure what separates me from the *Structure I, Figure I figure is the material of/or in the Body above all I figure is
the Figure forming “A” in, as in, “A” is a Body

The very—err—e Figure in I, fingerfucker so to embody Body in this *Body thought: World, must it, it
—[?] “OH” Picture this Head--------
>“_________-________” & of what & by what is this is my oh my
Pictured what—[?]

4.23 There is nothing specific in this Picture I just described, to you, but of my *Animalic nature, which outlines my Face in bliss or, besides boy, this cleaning of The Field here’ll spiral down my *Spine, as you will *Witness I, am only a *Man but only not “A Man” as in--------------------->what here humdingers me from thy Dog—[?] Nothing, for example my subservient yet agitated I, form upon bacon & replaced all that procedured before this cleansing into I, is meaning: this meaning is not the fissurefucture of a fucking *Simulacra—[!]

4.231 But instead, it’ll be the *Scene of how I *wed my Head chirping out this entire *Area, of the frame & as it happens, as it were, a traintrembling to the emergence of my *bonerhead

4.2311 This is the zero—method of a zero—degree of a zero—I method no *Description of “A”—zero, as it be, as it may, as it he, as it hmmm be this, be this the completely correct *Description of He—[?]

4.2311 Tis, the tizzy I’m in optional form of my un—forming into this *orific *Scene, as a picture of my *Body—[ily] *Operation is damn right *Orific—[!] This now, is something that we can sure—[ily] *Picture, that is, my *orific signifying my *orifice on the truth-grounds this type of shitcrust, this type of grounding the logical down to a *Picturing------->if there are *Rules, there are *Rules that I have begun to fucking exert my I, rule

4.24 Fine, here----------->some Math getting all up in this *Shit: +C — +P — +“A” states a form I, oratorically fartform

4.241 It’s that my genes seem increasingly cloudy. I would like to pose an adequate Question as to the nature of this before-mentioned sensation. I will elect to not elect. This, is yet another instance of my truth-functions, in general as a means to encase you in my case, in case you forgot that this was the case—[?]

4.242 Increasingly, this is becomes, a becoming about how a physical man becomes a mere—[ily] shadow or the rage of an *Animal & this’ll man my *Man’ll be an example. To become the so-so spirit of a man that when confronted in this *Field, folds & literally done dung under the weight of I, animal it all, is an act, rather a simulation of how stimulating it eventually is, for a man to *iceolate himself as a bull.

4.2421 & this giveths the iceolated lot to assume a shelter, in *here, beneath my towering porkpot.

2.4212 Thus, what this is becoming, is the form I, hate to leave to fate. With, or the without I, become presented is, in this is, of *Man as a fuckedfiugure figurally not figurally but literally “A”---------->fucked, in the *Body, that constitutes all that is unspecified in the crumbling nether region, which is the *happenstance humping upon my hump *Stance—[!]

2.4213 Or, this could be the *Escape for my Figure, into the mirror but, it’ll be more a welcoming of against, as in bumped the Mirror which outlined in the eye to I, Face this *Animalic correspondence, *fact: undescidable, this formal coupling of two natures with to never I, could *picture all that is indiscernible in mymymy *Dog or, shadow or, autonomous this *Dog bits my spirit like--------->*bite upon thy *Master is I, animal a shadow in a *Zone beneath skin which underlies all that would disrupt my nature in the truth-grounds this I, man a bullish—[ily] badbad man

4.243 OH “A”--------->to have flesh means, to mean we have thus motherfucking Distinctions—[!] & with those *Distinctions some motherfuckers, inherently, are I am, fuglier than the rest

4.2431 OH “A”--------->to have with, as in with—out *Body means we be only bones bodybaby. Thus, the needs for the fleshbinge to encased this whole rot, as in rotten *I, structure each thought, spatially in terms of my Bones & the joyous beating upon the *Meat I, beat

4.24 Philosopher’s mention absolutely nothing about getting their *fuck-on & this, my dear “A” is troubling in all this trouble in my tub

4.241 My wittlewittle Tubby—tub

4.25 The propositions being: & the P—points to the Sign I, desire “A”—to—penetrate—“P”. As in, I’m not getting all up in this Shit for *nothing, noting---------------->this logic is my truest logical I, supposition—[!]

4.251 I sh—oppose—[!]

4.2512 Therefore, meme must model *me—[!]

4.26 Thus, my *material’ll support each increasing creased upon this *Structure. But when to *structure & when to corporeal this *crap—[?] Aye, the material I bones in the *Body boners up against this I, body the crease, as a relation, of a cease, desist & ceasing all that might *Exist outside these bones cower under the *Flesh I, figure only myself a bone, bonering a priori

4.28 Now we can *picture this/is more a photograph of a video of my limbs increasing to the mammoth distributions of flapping flesh to meat this spinal thrust I, formal in the fleshyfleshy spine cum. Thus, this confronts all my prior compositions, all my prior agility in forming is the bones alone that I broke the fuck-up, while seems seeming—[ily] seams this *Body along the bones, it seems

4.281 & in this vulnerable I *State, whimsical—[ily] *state---------------------------->I am an acrobat—[!]

4.2811 Psssssssst----------------------->(I’m really a Magician)

4.2812 Or, just a little slitshit leasing out all this I, *tension & the emergence of I, achieve between the Figural & the Meat I, whether which shits it’s flesh shits it’s instead I’m going right through shits it’s under unto You shits it’s youwhoo

4.2813 “Oh I just can’t” they say. OH—[?] Shittyitty can’tycan’ty cunts

4.3 At 1 O’clock in the AM I, is excluded from all thy propositional properties from entering in the thy *Sleep & thy fucking I, *sign that shit—[!]

4.31 Thus, the key is to meet in the meat & thus—[ily] arise from my incisor little teeth rise.

4.312 Or, the bones against the Mouth goes--------------->while the unthinkable I, will

4.4 Being of with the which I, acrobatics the body on/up. The arms of “Arms” anti-skeleton the like sleeping so far the way I, *Sleep in the tenderest form of sadism or I, flanked upon all the *Witnesses of this I, am I a man sleeping—[?] Or, a man schlepping the further away—[?] Oh, but the prolonging of this all in *Flesh is the apparent I make apparent my desire, up & beyond thy thighs, beyond thy slippings of the leg sleeping, beyond thy raised belly, beyond thy I, raised this *acrobatic of naturally I’m bat-shit crazy cankers upon thy Spirit *cranks

4.41 Signslum.

4.411 Proposition------------>this uncomfortable rule that there is no “our do” as in, can do this for “A” = the case, as in, this’ll eventually be *scored when “A”triumphtivities—all in on—“P”.

4.4111 That, is the one rule I, let *rule

4.42 That, or it’s a false relation to doom I’ll, rot

4.43 As you can see, this is about the I’m about the Fall of a Man I, fucking moanerman upon thy bonercan

4.431 Signs, in order to—[un]—Sign my rot I got upon the definition of this

4.44 That so—[?] That is so by each by outwards by therethere it’s all essential by we by all upinthis by what happens when I

hump by logic by nothing, nothing gets me by

4.441 Logic concept-word, tautologies, order be, doo—de—doodoo that explains thy failure—[!]

4.442 Dear Manic Motion---------->Yr Face decked a dick upon my Head.

4.4443 Was this a form of givething Head—[?].

4.45 & He by thy *Head faces, a faced death's in the head. The bony. The bony boner block the head-meat tricked the tug tucked under the train thy track. Thus, been a bone boning a block boned out thy self-portrait I, boner & became thy seated upon thy bonerthrone

4.451 This is the scale, of which I firm upon, firm—[ily] upon thy belongs to thy *Body under the umbrella of *Sin. Itself to wear, is the wear—&—tear I, out thy Bone first—[ily] struck by how thirst—[ily] I thy upon thy oeuvre, firm. Getting-it-on then, is the equation I see, on the street, of these Flesh these faces, faces the last supper suppers of thy Head.

4.452 See, but this but this see becomes but a Mortuary see the shift—[?]

4.4521 “OH” but thy *meat honours thy *Humor thy intensive—[ily] soft itself a shoft I, hunked a *Hummer

4.453 Investigate---------------->The Function of fartfaces

4.46 Have you not seen yet, how this titties every I, *object—[?]

4.461 “Oh, ‘Arm’ I Object”.

4.462 “OH”—[?]

4.4621 From thy mouth tissues forth only a scream thy issues thy to flee after fleecing me

4.4622 Teeth thy meet in thy meat in thy I, non—accidental in I, kind—[?]

4.463 A possible truth-operation would be dicking-out a mouth in the Meat of which, the sensation produced, would be but pure—[ily] I, art artery. As in---------->I, sever the artery, strictly so that thy mouth could reach thy meat.

4.4631 thy eagerbeaver mouth stands to thy erect to the point, as in, thy submission is what follows thy the subsummation of thy sleeving thy self to leave thy.

4.4632 Thus, soaking the self in this shit is the slum of the exterior or, middle-cut packages pucker up to the mouth dig this is thy triptych ad-nauseum I, dig—[?]

4.46321 def----------------------------->dig dearth to earth

4.46322 In other words-------------------------->i like my bacon blaked

4.46211 This situation or, rather the above I, mentioned were I, a must-play to present thy negations negating all these processes I, definition the slum of thy cum to some or, what = to what if this all is the great grand I, contradiction—[?]

4.462 Wholly, this whole project was a hole in which to slip my meat to eat. Thus, the specific de—localization thumps through the mouth thumps thy immeasurable I, *Head. & this throughs me through the through turn of pity terms me to this entire *Field I, got loose with power, got loose in my marks thy floosie—yous.

4.4621 Thus thy Face, thy Body thy Scream thy Seduction is thy Meat & my attempt at thy involuntary I, escape thy with, as in, without so muchso, as an *Organ I, extends this to drops to the longer flesh, *drops

4.46211 & further, further thy I, droops

4.463 As the latter to which I, latter to leave thy droppings, leave the cannot shitits & status is the I, *states to thy eye & thy eyes is ours alone I, & with necessity I’ll sure—[ily] I’ll die. We speak of this, from a different “A” is over & done with all of this to be just of a world I, too simpleit & now you gits

4.4631 The whimper of thy needs a clarification to I & thy I, track

4.464 “OH”—it’s all I, know is I am a too-true construction of thy *Order—[ing] in thy am the same I, & am notnot the clearest of propositions in “A”—to—“I”—only desire—the desiring of—“P”

4.465 By a hypothesis about becoming because “the because” was becoming because this disposed the “because” in a “Q” sort of sorting through the “because” was the sort snorting in thy limited yet I, wink eye

4.466 Thus, arises the rising rise arises in thy anger doth thy rise to all the better thy rise butter

4.4661 The relation of all of this, is the joining, increasingly in the crease all of my horrid affairs, of the Heart, of the unhappy ones I, am setting this all to thus to thy to thy communications is what thy —[s] me

4.5 Spatialing thus, myself thus, in these laws, proposition me in the *Sign I, have sought to only *yield to I, be the fucking place I, perceive what mutters thy name from the very expression of thy *Animalic thy nature shitson philosophy or, the thought of true—[ily] being but nothing.

4.51 Oh, soso *Complex that “E” as in the *Ecstasy of my law in ways, which point to the *sorry lot sorely is the *cog of my *condition, as in----------------------->the anti foot in the *Mouth stance, is conditional for my *Torment to do it’s doo—dee—doo upon *me—[!]

4.52 Thus, this Description of pressure’ll help--------->be it logical, as a whole, or an attempt to ground thy *Humping then pop that bitch like a Whitehead—[!]

4.53 in other words------------------->humping to one I, look I’m humping upon anoother –[!]

4.6 humping so that thy desire, is to thy desire me—[?] Name *Thy name every year. Love, which was of & with me, proceeded when I stopped being a bitch, beginning thereafter, to assume any form upon my *Hide that I would decide, as it were, towards the *Hospitality of my *Love. & this was my October, *not love. Loving so hard—[ily] hardened so to ideas & upon even this, which is to be my account of all the *love that I issued within, towards & upon my very own *Tissue.

4.61 & *This, was how I would be injured in this is an *Execution