Tuesday, November 30, 2010

2 Variations on Variations of a Theme


2 Variations on Variations of a Theme cut-short being: it was more Important that this Hand starting engaging in the Act of placing that Food in this Hand in Thy Belly



Winter, will


your Face, calling out

for Help,

tired & wondering

whether you

will ever

get Home.


Turkeys, covering the sidewalk


them Kids, fall around

as the season’s Fall

only to stand

again rigid

on the telephone

makes a Humming

in my Ears

was December, turning

the Chapter, flattening

upon the lips

of a Ghost

“I like this

Picture” coming to

cold blows hidden

in Dad’s merry

land & above was a Pigeon

with a Great Ass

waving upon us all

“it’s just that we’re seasoned


for the breezy night’s bore

boredom covering

this & that causing the Wintry

figure to announce the names

of the Dead, for no reason

at all was a good reason

to think, Christmas

would leave us all

leftovers in the End