Monday, September 20, 2010




Lecture ONE (on the nature of which, i was to be boxing myself out of being boxed)

September, 20th, 2010


1. This’ll include, how it is *possible, for me to be *able, as in, “I *am able” & the certainty that this mirrors will not be one of a Generalization. Instead, this’ll be a documentation of a limit de—limiting the ground my feet sweeps our Hideous wittle Condition, yes—[?]

1.1 This effect is determined or, this effect’ll be determined through the Health of my Laughter where beneath resides the décor of my Exhaustion or, the *tragedy that affirms to let it be so. Thus, bring me the Bear of a Dream. Yet, during the night, I have too much *Heart to bare. This combination then, is on *habitus = the exuberance of a death sentence & this Sign---------->is the identity of *whatever, as in, what the fuck ever

1.11 What occurs, is what follows, is what is the devouring of the self-that-dies tho, never shall my *Authority die, as the self grows, the production of this situation harkens to hasten--------->we should connect, all of our affairs, all of our sentences, where we find, that *I am turned away in *horror or, is it just my being *nude in which I form, thonging back into Oblivion, I’m back—[?]

1.12 Form be this experience, of trapping the self trapped if “A” shall be the catastrophe of these expressions thus inevitable, thus let it be so

1.13 Propositions is propositions of the Proposition of “A” is *I, in place, hmmmmm, again the shitcan of Language & the shitcan of *this is how I *Absence now in the *structure I, approach *decay

1.2 So—[?] So, this is as, a common *place as, as in *are all these coming infestations just my stupefied *presence, presents itself to *this is how I will *anti—vanish in *numbers, asshat: all situations to generalities & *this *state is the anti—general cumbucket end to us all. All—[?] Oops, I have made a mistake in my calculations were spoken were, were-sources of those that sore upon the sense that “this correlation affirms” that with each *second how I grow so firm, so ever P—to—p on the /v+ does the Internal “got laid” truth—possibility which X—[s] this to *that *THAT to the chokehold on that *mat

1.21 This is deemed to be *true through the calculation:

yx—X[es]—Y—[?]—because, X≠Y—[!] for “A” to +(as in additional he—self to)—“P”—[ ! ]


=1 x 2, 846783432109876798

x =1 2, 846783432109876798

=1 846783432109876798 2, x

x 846783432109876798 =1 2,

846783432109876798 x =1 2,

x 2, 846783432109876798 =1

2, 846783432109876798 =1 x

846783432109876798 =1 2, x

x =1 846783432109876798 2,

x 2, =1 846783432109876798

846783432109876798 2, x =1

one—[ ! ]

1.22 Whether or not, to be a simple argument or, whether to be ready or not is here I shall *come in an anti—representational but, O’ do not laugh at me when I speak of this is the *shit that makes me feel *corrupt thus, so surely I am so sure—[ily] *loved
