Friday, September 17, 2010

GIZZ[I]ARDS (I wouldn't Imitate You if You Begged Me--A Lunch Writing)



what’s left to question after the body i surge suppressor


“I’m going all in on Humdinger Blowjob” – Boris Izsus


modeled to the T

of all, my assembled

points, to the Parade

inside, my pants “eh”—[?] anomalous

as a Bird

dappled to hoover over

my Feet crunch


crunch” means to be

as disagreeable as a Rhyme

intercepting, the contours

of my fetching interpretative

“interpretative”—[ily] this

is fairly, considered

“my error”

as in “everything errors

in Ear” to this –err

is an “or” everything

creeps, against

everything –errs

against the Narrative

*nug of your Life, means to invade

the Life, of someone’s

evasion of the transponder’s

inescapable, inscape: some

heard of “wha” was “wha”—[?]

demarcated, the deterioration

of the light slipping existence

of our Feet, stepping past

each other’s “say


“With verb----------->The receding, this I swerve humdinger rung Body—[ily] parts, then drowned the “My Oh mymymy, this is a real chase—[!]” thus, there is no need to Question my *actions which harbor the glow in my *eyes of “all this *Gravity is a real *drag” albeit, the*private disguise, was a way of*blurring the Center, thus the *squeezing of yourself into a boundary, *barefoot & *bleeding & *this was Observed--------------->dilly dipshit ambushed be I, Pigeon Woman’s germ, dirtydirty rump riot in the Times, I was to be clean “but, I don’t know I like the” curve of this Excess, porns upon my every Hair, as the Truest of all that I See. Thus, going once through the Mouth, there I lie & there I Failed.” This is the surrounding Rule, in which I wind between my cheeks, asses upon the Phrase “Between the Entire World there are glances which provide me nothing of this Transport of Blood of the one-way shitstorm of our Love got to rot” or, reproduction thought “No, I thought about pushing the firings again” in light, of the boobs that sammich my O’------------->I long, to butterup myself to someone to somewhere in this Universe O’

the Trauma


when I think

of all that

shits so long ago so

we go on blushing

so shapes the length

off all that I

miss so, *mammoth

so *choke the

listen to “this is

what I *sawn

puddling me

to the Rest are

all, now opposites

& mutual—[ily] so, river


deliver hush


delivered hoosh to

