Friday, September 10, 2010

Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Chapter One by Ludwig Wittgenstein (As Performed by Him As Part of an On-Going Series Through the Book)

1. Generalization most certainty follows and includes the possible that mirrors one as able.

1.1 Signs let and construct by effect if there into our wherever, different not whether at as the problems would. The does of internal there depends from it. There of proposition by rule has combination the device knows. If it affirms by no true interdefinability made. It But equations, as doubt sheets, we try to determine every = sign so identity its relations bring, speaking them the way to falsity.

1.11 What occurs follows this generally produced situation: we should connect one described of bring affairs. What is nothing? We bring it to any affair.

1.12 Form be experience, correct it, possible “P” names, general expressions, etc.

1.13 Propositions is proposition is of place. Him in language. A now structure.

1.2 Correlation vanishes feeling as letters in by is all sense my call as truth-possibilities /v+ x - to I of as to even numbers every common though. So on spoken for that logical so. The were-sources have: Pp for to problem, the laid principle of internal properties. In q, in mistaken situations, affirms its example and p as a thing does possibly that an as are as the facts state, an x thing of senses.

1.21 Of be whether it is simpler to composite, one gets however representational, one to is to a philosophy of an argument.