Tuesday, September 21, 2010

SPUNKMASTER (LECTURE 2 & 3)--[On the Nature of getting my *creepon & firming up on the *firmon]



(Lecture 2 & Lecture 3—September, 21, 2010 Chicago)

[On the Nature of getting my *creepon & firming up on the *firmon]


3. These, Propositions are not scientific & analogous to philosophy as being a must for it is *I must. As in, this *must a thus *this subjects itself up*on meaning thus:

3.001 As logic----------->out the Window goes in, as in, this is all goes to going is going to be of Murder----------->or, *States of an individual induction, degree of an inner world anti—logical whether of is, to us is, simple little lumps in place or, rage. Because this generates or, first—[ily] this *lump signifies of our non—difference, in which, we manifest all things that clearly *act as the application or, rather the purpose, of picturing a Picture is, however, an Object in which I will ultimately object.

3.01 This’ll be about *being in Contempt

3.02 Thus, this *is something, when is *from something, is the same as I am from something, but going under this *something is a must here. Thus, of Truth, since the *since shall be given, in it’s multiplicity, all that ever is, is all I’ll ever is, is in the creating of this is---------------->*One as Will. Thus, what we are having the more, is the having the less of a Picture of *this is about, the modest notion of *this very expression, is the affirmation of my own will to negation. However—[shaking Finger, in Air] this may seem, is but of a minor difference of what it is or, might *is. The Picture or, rather what is left of it, is that of a Word, that be, as any, a signifier of “I’m downtrodden” in the expression when we says: rusteds. Examine, this gumminess, corresponding to it’s own will to negate it’s own desire towards it’s own negation, which is an unalterable or, “This, I Objects”. If you must. The Laws, then representatives of all that is Filth--------->of what, would recognize my Face, it’s unique variables & of & *& ultimately, this *statement too shall be trampled by another one. As in: another one is entirely an operation, of pushing into body—[ily] motion, an act as *rare, as in *tender, as in *line ‘em up all in a square in which I could Hungy—[ily] I *stare & yes, place *anŏŏther *there

3.03 This Situation, in general sitatuons in general a Situation in general situations in general for all & all, an equal End, in general—[ily] that *is.

3.031 This is all, a silly—symbol of being *dead Serious

3.032 Objects = problems, yesyes, given a world, things mesh together into nothing but of differing, contorting signs that Trouble my Mind. Thus, used surely to be *abused within this picturesque impossibility, is propositional as in: a Proposition excluding all that is Logical—[!] No, no that is not true. But if you look out of the Window, perpendicular to the Right Side of your Face, closer to the Chin’ll beam you into the *Scene beyond the Glass, which is nothing, nothing but a Blackening Sunday, coming for us all.

3.0320 Sunday. I chose Sunday to give Weight to my Description, because today, is Sunday. I have never had much love for Sundays, as they fill me with anxiety as if, I’m truly supposed to be doing nothing, on Sunday, as today, is Sunday & doing nothing or, this direction to nothing gives me Anxiety, as does this seemingly passive-aggressive direction of which I am told to do nothing, gives me Anxiety as the thought of being subservient to a passive-aggressive direction which is not really directing but moreso “We’d appreciate it, if you would, you know, *Tone it down a bit you know, relax & truly, truly do nothing at’tall tho, but eh, you can do something if you would really truly like to do something today, but we are just stating that we’d appreciate it, if you in fact did nothing versus doing something like others today that are doing nothing instead of something, but something we just thought of: we suppose if the other’s are *doing nothing, then surely, it can be reasoned, can be argued, that they are in fact *doing *something by this very *act of *doing *nothing, which means the others today, are in fact, *doing *something rather than *doing *nothing which is still *doing *something thus, what would constitute *doing the un*doing of *doing so that one could *enjoy *nothing which again would be an *act of which we reckon, we have to give further thought to before we could in fact merely suggest that you in fact *do *nothing” & thus *this gives me Anxiety

3.0321 Today, is not Sunday

3.0322 Oh, Oh this’ll all end in saying--------->slays of the names. Thus, would a thing, for we be by one reason—[?] But, this is all, its about “I have a Station” in Sternum cracked to “Hands me in life” = the determined Head having to *have of: can we question this reasoning of *something—[?] Oh, modus the why cannot own, this *something propositions us to so Complex it crushes to a Simplex thinks even a Simpleton would surely applaud

3.04 Again to not, this *is not. Is “A” is granted, truly, “A” is the Heart: The Grace of Glob, outside, the made Signs, by the netting of Bones throw “Oh me so, oh me so Alone”. This is the hard-on of all that is Elementary. The subsequent is subsistent in subservient penetration, in particular--------->I will solve this given form, in this given system, through a fucking that depicts what *be *this definition be *in. & this reveals how we’ve all been so sore—[ily] used

3.05 Thus, the Construction of this is a proper, profound & yet terrifying, like a C, as in Cunt. This is where I just kidded. Moving on--------->for this to +upon to lessen my inadequacies, this surely should learn to unmake itself as a language that extends beyond The *Body = *my *Body. See, it’s not so much in the form of how one expresses, as relations or contrivances & such—&—suches, but how, one executes the expressions to heighten the urgency of relaying this unbearable, yet comfy daily sense of *being so *fundamentally fucked.

3.051 Period. end quote

3.1 That of which is a “that” is to be “that”—[ing]of that Murder, which objects it so, so still being of “that” existing “that”—[ing]

3.11 Since youth, I have made a point, to not seek out words that would give fact to *that World. This is mere—[ily] because, the issue at Hand, that has always been *at hand, is *this *motherfucking *World. *This, thus, is not a formulation of Generalities, which sicken my stomach even moreso than a wookiebush. This, then, is a depiction, of what I might depict, a depiction of what I propose, as already thoughts specific to my own specific *Body, a mean of *surviving, as in, at *every means of *not being an expression that can be signed to a *signified.

3.111 “Ho”—[!]

3.12 Limits are aggravating. I understood this to be true. I refuse to let *One slum me in the Limits even tho, this means, the inability to experience *things in their totality or, this is how I demonstrate all my variable arguments: The Varying Degrees of so & *So, this method either constituted my entire Method, or notations of Hierarchies that make me feel inferior or, just feel me here, a little further below. Yes, can you now feel my *grand indifference—[?]

3.13 Time & Time again, has shown, there are far too many Things in which to disagree upon

3.14 Is it then, that we are, are we without Face—[?] Thus, we are, but merely facts, logical possibilities & all that shit you attempt to proposition me within—[?] This, then, expresses my Satisfaction, signified in *arc------->One cannot know, that my Face is deformed in my, pocket pocked formed

3.141 This, expressions itself bumbles in, within as in others really are just my hypotheses, which are unassailable concatenations in a fashion in which, they are not lazy. The Kantian approach you say—[?] I’d prefer not. The *proof of their value in their proof. & this was our sole possibility—[?]

3.142 If of only a true centre, thus only a true cumdumpster

3.143 Speak words & be. The can might my Ethics, Particularly fail us—[?] Oh, we has all. Facts sign upon the,ass of our propositions, that this *be, is being to contribute to that compared those that looked me in the Face, are those that also failed. Thus, “A” in a true E = the eating notion of this notating on my lovely, of those that slur me—[!] This then, is how they closely *come out on the be, *be my butt they *be on. This, of course, *this only exists only within my ever accumulating tautology: i.e. ayeyaiyai close—[ily] closes in on your Heart or, sometimes giving Head to “so closely this too shall become your Own”.

3.1431 Space is seeing by eating by being the never yielding my intentions through merely, merry—[ily] I gorge about in language. Lumps’us.

3.1432 *This, is my portrait, of One, of being—[s]—(etc)—[!] (Mathematics that Ol’ Witty)

3.144 Of restraint, ogles my Primitive Fix, dig—etc—[?]

3.2 In both of these past instances, I act as the Solipsist, always slipping the further away. Away from those who might sign upon me, a Sign, thus reducing me to a microcosm

3.201 In Addition, if Hunger yields—[up] that *be a necessity towards eventual Obscenity. Ah, only as yet another possibility of “having this” means: the if to meaning thus meaning to Subtract-Sign, it says, “further—further be, I—[ ! ] P------->& “be” being a Turd & turding-out every explanation of *this in THIS OPERATION: If false is the superfluous, but certain, to may He be, is one should begin shitting, makes the world.

3.202 Simple, this is simple my little cumbucket

3.203 But *this nonsense has shown this is *not Nonsense at’tall—[ ! ]Said rather, was a calling nothing at all to “A” as in “nothing to arms” Who had the *Whatever was impossible to *state whatever is, by on all false pretenses: “my forms in these is limits”. Thus, to Generalizations of our conditions, terminus us. & The Terminus of which shall follow. This, then introduced said: “So express so to be” [x—as in—p Signs my “not at all”] is the case here of the Signs that Love “of my to a *Something” belief: my Complexion is waning

3.21 So is Hunger, in & of itself is not

3.221 That Hunger is the Safety of You, in the World.

3.23 To put a likeness here of P, shall be the Second Mark of my Disintegration, marked. Is the would sense assume this is a proposition—[?] Understood this all, as “this is my Assumption.” Ors, what I have termed rusteds to sign in no one leave me alone in this situation—[!] That for all, is the names. Must thus, is my case, like for expressing the soul of Consumption, governs my following signification: in gimmiegimmie infinitely—[ily]—[!]

3.24 Thus, was is & will *be the basis for the Structure of my *structural Reality, in language—[?] No, in life. A Symphony of Spunk. The felicity of all my faults, in a fleeting I fashion, being *anti—to—*signs, but the thing *is--------->the *Thing is the combustion of my symphony

3.25 Only to anti—ourselves.

3.261 Thus, while attempting to keepon shying away from propositions, I keep propositioning myself further *in. Were a form, was a form I was in a form: giving *Order, to all that *rules the *limits of all my vilevile *affairs.

3.262 Whitehead—[?] Blackhead—[?] pop ‘em all & begin the firming up on the firmon.

3.263Which is to say “A” as they say to “A” is what they’ve always said to “A”. A earn for the anti—I—*urn.

3.264 Which explains how itself became the Whore of we that *we “we”. Thus, in this, signs “why I, the what are, by truth-combinations, the Combust” is about visual—[ily] meaning “simply, this was how he completes *way”

3.265 Thus, how I arrive to *come
