Monday, August 30, 2010

How I Spent my Weekend [Spent, Sweaty & Romantic in Unforgiving Light]



Conversation, stagnates

removal. Clipping

of toenails. Keeping

an Eye on appearance, to

avoid personal pit

falls-------------->[fade], like being together,

wet laundry, towel,

towers us down, weight

wait: every disclosure is

crude, bitetongue to,

to implode------------>straight

behind the Face, which way

was the looks meaner to enfold

the Hide, it Hurts to Hunk,

is nothing


Conversation, with broad

travels. Call me eyeing

you yeah from the side

of the sink, growing Big calluses

carefully, within the Crowd

I ascend tall & falling

Straight, down like hard

pencils, skinned across—

The legs of Night, swing

down from Eyes no bigger

than Mine, no bigger

than the Blanket that could

fit us in this Kiss, burnt

across the Beak, steak

glistens in your teeth, hair

grows for so much more

like “Do not Forget Me.


Conversation, with the tall

ass, faces

destruction: all of it,

drawn, to

dung, flung deeper, into Focus,

looks, mighty

tasty often-times Pissing in an

Alley, shameless

against the billowing morning

smokes, after

the blowhard Kisses, launched

across, cheeks

chubby, like the beerpiss

made, to do

personal arrest

Strove, into the Violent Morning

upon, The Street pounding the Form

of Last Night’s slim regrets daunt in

their Haunt like, none other. The Other

value, vaults in the Eyes swipe

the Early Bird shitcrust & the Life

spent in Thrift, pummels upon

The Slō Creep, at the Edge of salute: yes,

it was this I regret schlips from lips

like just gutter, just a trimmed whimper

of a ragtag invasion of personal Space

& awakes the Woman, in bed, at the

tailend of your dress rehearsal, together

past, or prior past working experience above

the Waste, of warped confidence suffused

with a pussyinflation, unparalleled &

brownbagged half The City, is one way

to reach toward Chicago, dreaming of

Youth a month out & her Wet, one gulp

too many to discharge, in lieu of how my, how

my Hardness, hardens, in that’s too hard

& release the deathgrip, clutched

the Brick, the Grimace & mung moan more

poor powdered penance now all



Call me William inside,

will say nothing about

exercise, the eyes all

on You I, masturbate

loudly, in


Hide from

my roommate.

Had to quit my

Job. Pants spotted

with queasy

revelations. I roar

to myself in Bed because

Roars turn me

on. A Lion, all day

in bed & good

god, it's a little

big, that tan

piece of

shit, sure think

I'll be

at Friday's

dance in your

pants, panting

will be

the surprise, pelt

& all that

spunk, I meant

junk. Nears the Sun

shines, my affections

to cockling depths

dear already came

here, said


about exercise


Home is where the empty Room hunks. Grew up whistling

the empty hallway, skin pounds, an echo

in a cluster of Ghosts, or was that my Voice—[?]

bright, sunken-cheeked & living in the Bottom line, faulted

down the Walk, pray to holding

up this Persona. Father had premonitions “look at

this Body now” against the smear of perversions

us filling up on perversions until you couldn’t nobody’s

address to talk to talk to you. I open my Eyes & then

I’m lost & all those poor mistakes you kept

writin. In this Home, we remain

hidden, telling Jokes in our own Ears, giggling with eyes

that close & never open