Friday, May 16, 2014

Persona; l

So we’re taking off our masks, our we, and putting on
some make-up, simply because it’s softer?
that cold calf in the middle of the room doesn’t deem
itself any less visible simply because it’s hue is mauve.

Limitless conventions of barking admissions all stem
solely from the self, and yet are stinging because they
are directed at another self, or, an other.
                                                                Still theater,
awakened from the intermission by gang style gongs.

Sometimes a silence,
                                 inventing new ideas to better our-
selves in the same way we try on clothes, desperate for
a new look, or one that better accompanies ourselves
when we’re deep in the weeds of the life we now lead.

Sources of warriors, tamed by tremendous kisses in the
off hours, a love born of projection of the world we all
want, will want to want, will will to want and
                                                                          want, not.