Monday, December 5, 2011

Lights, the Christmas Kind

Unable to commit to a proper tree, I have fashioned a mobile out of a wire hanger and some Christmas lights - of the 3-hued variety - and stuck that hanging where my hanging plant use to hang and now rests nearer the window to get what little light is left this season.
This is how the appropriate light gets into my apartment now. I still arrive to and leave work an hour early so as to catch what little is left of the day.
This is considered "exceptional" and probably won't last for long. Many were let go for their inability to normalize their schedules.
It isn't normal to be working in the dark. The dark is meant for private business, for the things that you do in the dark.
I do plenty of things in the dark, and pivot reports are never counted among them.
And now, writing, playing music with a holiday fringe, I am be-lighted by the mobile tree that hangs above my stove.
There is warmth in light, as the days grow colder, darker, more perfectly estranged from one another as to seem abstract in their oneness, like each light delighting me to no end.