Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Form Answers Movement with Desire’s Own Apposition

(…what is important-------------------->is that the History
of The Body, never be silent (for a Movement
(*this Movement repeats itself
(we can call this my assention
(*this Movement repeats itself

(is one function of my *Ass
(*this Movement repeats itself
(*this Movement repeats itself
(*this Movement repeats itself
(stripped of its vessel (the last Body: excrescence of something Rot
(*this Movement repeats itself

(in a new Subject, vantage supplies a shrewd Play
in its architecture (the Face: becomes
(*this Movement repeats itself
(*this Movement repeats itself
(the shuffling of Feet, scratching of Skin
(*this Movement repeats itself
(*this Movement repeats itself
(a record of The Manure
(sadly Inept--------------------
>I mean
(*this Movement repeats itself
(let the Other’s please stop talking
(*this Movement repeats itself
(*this Movement repeats itself
(*this Movement repeats itself
(*this Movement repeats itself
(and we take inventory during this Time
(*this Movement repeats itself
(*this Movement repeats itself
(shittle on the Horizon
(into an Imitation of Morning
(*this Movement repeats itself
(*this Movement repeats itself
(I am made uncomfortable
when the Figures insist on Smiling
(*this Movement repeats itself
(See, there are only so many
unique Movements (inside the Body
(*this Movement repeats itself
(*this Movement repeats itself
(*this Movement repeats itself
(*this Movement repeats itself
(airlifted, my *Ass as has (has) been
(*this Movement repeats itself
(*this Movement repeats itself
(vision’s reconstructive Mama
(*this Movement repeats itself
(nobody is fucking watching
(*this Movement repeats itself
(and nothing is rendered (
howrel shift
(or: asswax into fruit

(My Beautiful Face
(*this Movement repeats itself
(In Other Words-------
>a Demotic Corollary || Traffic Surge,
the Figure caught up in the Pussy Carpet
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(traces of crushed Movements
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(who is, is not invited—[?]
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(trips any lit space, any boundary
(the Body
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(in an unfortunate Groove
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(Truly, I am driven to Excess
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(a Grid established not so
much so-----------------------
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(what lies broken (in here

(*this Movement (is) in itself
(shounds of encroaching Winter
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(Vainily Analy:
to assist the Vertical Movement
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(becomes (a Horizontal Desire
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(A Shitstained Gradient
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(O Eh
(O Dirty, My Little Dirty Birdie
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(the idea vs. its ultimate Execution
of the original idea
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(isometric (& to the Mouth’s Dispersion
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(not so much arriving as
“in time”
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(for love of some Come
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(palette (speculum
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(Form answers Movement
with Desire’s own Apposition
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(not pure, no

(I’m not Pure
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself

(the One physical reflex is
(the Gag Reflex to catch what’s thrown
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(up to you (up at you
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself

(lightswell (power source
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(the Madness of fatherhood
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(igneous: (a Heifer—[!]
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(a Muscle Memory
is not the same as
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(Consuming myself innately
breaks (*this Movement (is) in itself
the sad Arch
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(Decomposition (if you have to
“search” for the start
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself

(for me there Arises
nothing about the bombing
(was quite random
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(capsized (Foul Play

(*this Movement (is) in itself
(to be surrounded
by one’s own (tete—e—tete
(*this Movement (is) in itself

(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(coerced Desire (as explanation:
(a storm passes, I say
(*this Movement (is) in itself a storm
(passes, (or has passed
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(an Abysmal Brim (Panopticon;
the Body is either
discursive urinitary (or
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(dilation (intention
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(required: everywhere & natural
history of the Shit
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(no, we do not have permission
(*this Movement (is) in itself

(to fuck on *this or that Shore
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(the Interest of Incompletion
(the Desire of being Incomplete
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(the Desire to be Incomplete
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(The larger forms are all Buttholes—[!]
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(if you hold the Body up to one ear
you can hear
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(prodding the Vulgar
(those Brash insistences
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(compel Me to come (in) in
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(It’s coming Winter drives
intimate connections, once again
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself

(rather in Chicago
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(Configured Land[e]scape
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(the wrecked Areolas
(show slow palm (in desuetude
(*this Movement (is) in itself

(*this Movement (is) in itself

(probably not Common enough
life enough
being behind Representation
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
& all smaller so
(Bitched by Defeat
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself

(spinning in that shallow Embrace
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(should not surprise in your Face
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself

(song of [my Feet resists *this Place

(song of [Simpletons—[!]

(song of [how I downed everything ‘round
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(on some smaller Thin Chin
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
Oh, to Hell with it anyway (Stunner or that we cannot Escape; weather-in

The End (your Face, obscured
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(in the under Iceberg, Belly belies
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(*this Movement (is) in itself
(for: we are
(*this Movement (is) in itself
and (*this Movement (is) in itself
(In the End, there is nothing for us to speak about