Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Seneciō Stretgi's Gynecomastia



So Silly: “Of Course”—] the Discourse or/-es [is] the Repetition of Hands Covering Your Mouth || or:-------àSomething about Littering-You in and All those Anxious Holdings of the Heart—

Thus:-----àIf I am to be Committed, to the Next Movement of----------àThis]…|—Demands: All that You are Against, All that is Apart, from What, is the Absolute Seminal Part of This-------------------------à40 Year Joke of “Coming Apart

Therefore: end in Rest and the Idea of This [Never] Comes to this.

"Armand Capanna"

"Armand F. Capanna II"

"Armand F. Capanna"

Armand Capanna

"Armand Capanna" Chicago

"Armand F. Capanna II" ChicagoArmand Capanna"
"Armand F. Capanna II"
"Armand F. Capanna"
Armand Capanna
"Armand Capanna" Chicago
"Armand F. Capanna II" Chicago