Wednesday, June 4, 2014

A Family Girl, Falling

for an a

touched, tender

                           naught, herself

a cornucopia of fruits flowering

                                                          a body in water,
as if water needed a bridge to cross

the extended luxury,
                                    a guise, a lurxury
in and of itself

and still something worth holding on to, still

the rolling


something not heartfelt

                                                yet felt

in an instance of instant


                                                (no one meant it

to be,

                                                it is

                                    and was always

meant to be, because)

she touches



for the exact


to tell all she has been told only told back to her and told to another told back to her and told back to her and rejected and rejected and rejected and still only left with the things she is left with and thankful and glad for the things she has been left with the family the friends the lovers who listen and learn and love all around all around
