Tuesday, October 15, 2013

If This Dance Will Be But-Abrupt, Then I Love You



And Here Comes: the Legislative Deafening roar to Diminish, to Menace and Baby: I Won’t Forget this. And Let’s nookie, Before the Onslaught of Decay I’ve Put-Into Play. And Now, a Story: the Boxer Bitched upon the Fist Refereeing a Tryst. Who Thunder-Clapped upon my Ass in the Night of our Wanting~? Well-Well-Well, Who Comes this Moment Will Find. I am Sure the recatoom will Rescue you. Thus: the Teeth Clench Upon the Closing jaw Tighter. And this Will Begin our Pulling-In-Together an All-Nighter.  And Conspicuously: this all Arose in a rose Together.  A Strange Example: I am now Living in the Assumption of Preobjections. And this Acts only to Observe the Act of its Acts.  How I Recognized that Desire and Hurried after it, as if, I had but a Moment Left to Live.  But in Reality: the Loose Pages of this Life are still just Blossoming into the long Snooze-Off.  And so to Leave in this, with the Swagger of Who One Abused to Be.  “A Catastrophic Slipping, Held Out…” The Stinking Flea, the Body, Fucked with All-This-Possibility. Thus, I Could have Said: as the Slowness of this Life Decreases, our Ensuing Vulgarity Shall be a Remnant of our Err (-ily) Love’s Complexity.  And I Might Have Said: Baby, I Am All-Over-You like Wood on a Tree.  And I Surely Said: I Began to Write “I Had Suffocated IF Seen I the Sea in thee.” And I Damn-Well Know I Said: Once we Peel the Onion of Recognition, let’s Cover our Remaining Days with Leaves. in other words:-------------àIf Regret is But-Abrupt: then I Love You.
