Thursday, August 15, 2013

My Meager Plans for Astonishment (Pissing in my Ass all Along)

“The Anxiety of Resurrecting: My Meager Plans for Astonishment
“And the Voice like a Salutatory Fretsaw
Riddled in my Under-Studies assrings


What Defines Anxiety is a Retard Reflection of what is Against Progression; and Tradition always Sees what it thought, Impossibly Surrounding its Structure, was but of Subjectified Blame.
An Image of Lovers Cast from the Hand’s Aperture and splunked all over the Interior Blistering Mirror of Contemplation. 
((Perhaps, my Body Was only Based on the Construction of Being-Stuck-Altogether, and Irrevocably, So))
Placed before my Face is a Sad-Sack City, Swallowing the Private awe and the Paradox, of a Home: a Construction, a Steal, the Terminal.           
(o)-------------------àFitted into this Subject, is a Question of how an Object lōōngsß-------------------(o)
Ipsing the Lisp of the Ellipses…”
Violence Arises from the Snapshot of all the Ways I Came, (or) I Suppose, were Always (in) the Sameß----------------------------------------------------------------------------------àMeaning: from the Heat out and I, Ablōve
a doom: following the Outline of a Haphazard Line from the Apartment to the Train. She Said: “I Gave Away my Last Goodbye” i.e. Body met riot Badly.  I Maneuver, in a Slip, under the Morning Sunlight, and in that Moment, something Sinister, Smiles into Me: a Terrain, of a Map, a Texture, and the Husky-Voice of Sade i.e. Oddly, a Bleu-Celeste still Awaits us all, at some Boundary, some Curve in the Path, or the Pull of an Arm where I will Meet her Lips.  Aye, but the Head-First Slide is Rarely used these Days.  Waiting atop the EL Tracks, I watch a Pigeon Pecking and  Struggling to Eat whatever-it-is in that Plastic Bag, and its alright Little-Birdie, for I too Eat-of-Loss, and Eat-My-Feelings like a Pimple-Faced-Fat-Boy and Eat because She Loves Me.  And its my Pulse Now, in the Fray, in the blu-Bashed as an Act Pummeled by Morning Light.  

Aye, So this Was just Pissing in My Ass, all along

in other words:--------------------àA Fist, A Direction, Misaddressing the Whole Movement: an Accident, Hovering and Stalking the Slip, to take hold, a Possession, and the Situation 
“To Incohere, is to Build to Desire”ß----------------------------------------------- -------------------à“Felt like a Light Ma-Mum-Um

And Our Relationship, then, is Anemic i.e. The Cold-Prostheses of an Epiphany

in other words:--------------------àErected Eyes and the Real Chicago that I Slay-In

“The Body was Skedaddled into a Concrete Compound, like hoffa, like an Obstructed Dawn, like Cabrini Green.”

Whatever that Means (…)

Begins to Move, Moves inside Feces, inside an Ass Squeezing out the Great Unknown.


Inside, and therefore, Outside of the City, a Fist Expanded, which, However Small, was Nevertheless, Equivalent to the Desire without.  The Desire, was therefore, outside of the City, but inside of the City too, as it was inside of this, and thus, Inside the Fist.  By Splitting the Figure, into so many Gestures, that the Figure could no longer be Contained, He Allowed the innermost Desire, i.e. ‘the Desire of the Heart’s Vastita’ to Annunciate with the City’s Desire, the Impenetrable Desire of the World: which always, Appears, as a Fist.
