Sunday, September 23, 2012

Half as Perfect, as this Face

See: the Face is what acts to Conceal the Whole exactly in (its) Place, for: it is on my own Terms what, exactly, shall Want to be Seen in and of *this, which is to say:------àjust as the Dust, which settles and is born out of the whittling-down of a Structure, an Architecture (thus: is in, Face) must have a Reason to (not) Exist i.e. the Drive (to what givens) Back; for what we live (for), is what we can, to a Degree, arouse in Desire, which amounts, to a Desire of “the Desire to Destroy” presumably what it, itself, Refuses to Give the very Moment it Arrives before our very Eyes”

-Boris Izsus1992