Tuesday, August 14, 2012


He would keep
her cool and standard
with thoughts
of brine complexion,

the jiggered star
of unbloomed talks
and nights without

along with sad and
drained dreams of
another night in
folding the molt.

She tongs his visit
as she describes it
in a dish-tongued
voice of semi-quaver:

“I see you sleeping
as I come aside
and you whisper
nothings like

traipses in woods,
only aggressively
hunting.” She says
she doesn’t care for it.

He is body, in-
different to the
sold sag of his wares
described simple as belly

and money and the yield
of hard and soft
conversations on a
fantasy of rights.

He slaps her with
a kiss, calling it a night,
while she gorgeously weeps
chardonnay and drops of memory.