Tuesday, January 10, 2012






There are no doctors here,

so enough to speak of,

or any that might be of medical use.


Somebody that might have helped

the pile of torn

that rests at the foot of my bed at least.


Passing whispers along like zippers

shrugged downward and open enough

to display the victim object like a

ballroom with room enough to dance in.





My tonsil still seems with the coffin smell

formulaed by parts of panting and

decided shades of ruin.

I stop forth with stamped regret

of all the things I left to rot,

to turn green,

to be wantonly forgotten

and – yet – still hot.





I’ve been known by some

by the name Gregory, or Greg


but not one ever calls me that



A man put down

for awhile

this Greg, or Gregory

pats along enough volts

to count well enough alone.





I saw the stance of gangrene boys

held like headaches in my hand.


As if through a magnifying glass,

I shudder at their details.


Tempered by tawdry fuck-yes wonder

they feel minor each time I stance at them.


I jury the pool even held a bit naughty,

and burn their bits to absolute bits

nouned right this time.





and such break of combos

attributed along to things

better left unremembered


someone said to me,

“you need another toothbrush,

and I can get you one if you like”


and he did but that didn’t stop

the teeth from falling splat





I would say I wouldn’t sing,

I wouldn’t do anything but clean.


The boys chorus seems stupider still,

and still I don’t sing.


A tongue still repressed along

for the evening neww,

the posse or corpse puddle

I still have time to deal with.


If this room held you and me,

I’d stop the room from happening

and turn off the TV.





If we were to be left alone,

like the bodies ourselves are usually left,

this truth would be kept as such


and just as soon kept left alone.


And yet I sit here hearing it all

with limited fact in front of my my face:


A fact still left as such and still

something to quandary over.

















The seventh poem of this particular series has been excised, without noted cause.


