Thursday, April 14, 2011

Walking Home Through The Hood

The streets to best be walking down

are elsewhere for some straight down

the Avenue.

______________I am your comb in your tinny

hairstyle. I sometimes wonder how we

go a day without picking up the phone

and then remember I don’t know

your number anymore.

You and your full face full of

Bloody Marys and me, me with my

furrowed brow

__________________and bags full of pills and lotion.

A skinny little male made more

skinny because he’s poor.

______________________________I’d pour

you a drink and we’d talk about Artaud

or somebody else, I’m tired of talking

about Artaud.

_________________So I’ll keep walking –

thinking how walking here is better

because I live here and how if I didn’t

live here I wouldn’t be walking

here, walking where it is that I am

walking which is home, here, home.