Saturday, April 16, 2011

I Wish I Was The Moon

I’m so tired of the impossible, the when what when. There was no reason to be that she’s my wife.

(frankly, I don’t understand a word that she says)

Baby so soft it led my head to be a little less softer, so I look in her eyes when she comes and she blinks, and I think that means she blinks.

The pros and cons of crying mean that she’s crying again. She has an infection and doesn’t want anyone to know.

A bone like skeletal vitamin-D. We take our gummies like children, and follow them all with appropriate amounts of water.

I’m so tired of listening to her complain about her body.

So I tickle her to make her laugh, to make her feel her body in a way that’s funny, that’s right.

And I’m so tired of doing this, of listening to her laugh, but I make her laugh and laugh and laugh until she’s tired and we both go to bed.