Tuesday, January 11, 2011

from The (*Arm) Collapse (Scene: 7 - In Case of Personal Emergency)

The Event of (*this) the Body ultimately

collapses, tumbles, within the yawl

of the witnesses’ drawl

Each of the accomplices, of the Event, settled

to off-the-head in the background of The


The Location where the head-rolls, shall be the settlement & the

coming-to-terms of the limbs’ objectionable interpolations:

ultimately cracking-up The Opening of The Scene

The interpolations, construct the anti- resolution of “I’m

retiring” in the belly-round in dread of the visible elements

of the Event tearing-together to re-shit the facial-scene

There are two kinds of reactions to this Event: one of emotional-contraband, withdrawaling. The Other, the more direct one, of negotiating carefully placed movements amongst The Witnesses with bull-rushing right to the Heart through each Scene, so to be full-blown in slave, in mass, in so there you are: precisely that of being a Witness at your own Scene.

The Situations of the Scenes grow-in to a growin-to an outright Monstrous meandering withdrawing from The Body, its extremities: The Usual Suspects & whereas the Witnesses collect themselves within the warmth of Thy Belly which becomes a belly-becomes a Hole becomes a flushing-out & them Bitches

So, slipping-a-sleeping of the mind, then the face, to “the prior”-through, transforms these Interpolation into a sort of perspective of being in a state of Objection; carefully arranged Objections of “this is a self-impacted problem” now face-up

Considering this desire “to move” to reinsert one’s Face into anyone of the Scenes of the Event, brings an emphasis of the body living mightily in weight-why dreading out this Picture, of these two Bodies, approaching, a level of Inimical crisis through the dying-out of a Play. Eventually, the coordinates of the Action will echo in the limbs, that are to-be estranged & thus strengthened in their own solitary Architectural Apparatus.

Exposed, this Scene, is interpolated by an appropriate Ending omnidirectional towards The Witnesses who have begun to contract this Withdrawal. The Opening of the Beginning therefore, must-be revisited

Something, is being unsettled among the Interpolations settled

Something, is being evading in our attempt at invading every-last Space in this Scene won’t Collapse

Something, is preparing my Old Quarters for slumbering away in someone’s limbs

Something, is beginning to appear in this way, as Isolating

Something, is about to approach the Witnesses

Something, is about to engage-in an Excess of the witnesses Executions

Something, is telling me I want to be understandably removed from this Event

My Quarters are opening to a filling-me with Questions according to the settling of these Insertions affording this particular Narrative’s oppressive Interpolating apparatus

These Insertions are beginning to tickle-my Testicles, unshakable & apparently, in remission now The Event begins to visible its developments of massing the MASS altogether & as it moves at its Center, the Witnesses begin shifting towards a folding of flesh over & under, together so to deal-out their fucking posterity to thy Scene

*This just-so happens to be dealing-with the dealing with feeling so Foreign, so Odd, so Unwelcome, so snug-in my own Body, which is why it is a Subject, that I only wish, to cruelly yet adoringly fucking-subject

There are two kinds of Relations here: the Witness that comes to this Event through the Scenes, in a straight-forward Mannering, i.e. attempting to “redraft-upon” my meaning THY terms; the Second settles-upon THY Territories, in order, to insert-themselves into thy territorial Objection of any external-objections


The movement of The Event is contingent-upon the Scenes crowding-up so as to disperse so as to meet-me, here in the Lips, in the Stool of a Chicago Summer

There is neither The Body to be *witnesses in a state of utter Joy nor is there an Interpolation of the Scene that would denote “all occurrences object in Structure, seen” thus, by simply bypassing The Body through a fold, the Witnesses can observe, for themselves, the struggle of my own Body to insert itself into the moment, which is, in itself, a way of husking-oneself, as in, forcing oneself straight-through to husk & THY tough

Thus-------->this is my Accord

Thus-------->this is my End

Consensual insertions is the Scene disposed, at least besides, in an instance, “My Part” blacked-out in the Second Act (Scene) & our localized contingencies

One Day, the World Warns: The Event’ll fold around-us, forming into a Scene of our most hideous-representations that challenge that little-shit of Violence, which is the Smut of a Ghost, meaning THY Grief is permanent, not occasional unlike that fucking-chore of Dying

All of the Cavity lodgings are discreetly set-back in the back-scene of The Scenes, which supposes the lodgings are *hollow-are The Witnesses’ capacity to (endure cruelty) to sink, in the Event, the weighting is an accident, in the Event we could begin with the phrase: “each Interpolation is to be founded on the premise of an Interrogation” & to end with the phrase: “to Interpret this Actions would be to damn us all to Hell”

But you understand *this (is *It)