Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Spunkmaster: Lectures 6 & 7--[On the Nature of my Anxiety when looking my Poorly-Made Children in Thy, Cuddles upon my Eyes

"Well, I thought it was already abundantly clear: I have every reason to fucking Party" - Boris Izsus


4.1 Now *here you go *you go & become Distant, *you begin waving your desperate “arms”------>”I’m not mere—[ily] an Object—[!]” To which, I surely Object

4.11 An oomph in speaking. O how I shall become so *Transcendental—[!]

4.111 As if describing the sore, which was the more so sore I feel, described my mechanics too fully to be understood.

4.112 Belonging along the *to be nothing associated with Logic. This drive of a life view-point, is what employs me. Particular symbols, model on organisms as axioms yet, they be only particles. Thus, anything containing rules, must ultimately become causalities. This, is the one fact that forms.

4.1120 Russell went & thus, made a point. That is all I have to say about that. This, eventually will be the sum of all propositions, in a sense, of things thinging to anti—I, signify. Thus, things, may or can or, is I be = so only to express. & this, physics up all my properties which are ingested investments that negate the *World as it insists on continuing to world itself outside me, which is thus, outside of *everything

4.1121This proposition indeed, could very well be, the penultimate description of my “my oh my, how you do so surely you rise”.

4.1122 There is a man, being a “Q” to affix the fix that I regard as nothing more than puke. I will not go into a further description of him at this Time.

4.11221 The only thing one should remember (well, there are many things, but this above all else) my recatoom *is proof. Though primitive, this is best case-scenario possible, if you will: the X by—[etc], you see

4.1123 The proof of my foundation, itself is a proposition thus, at any time, I could go poof. Thus, my propositions are Failures yet, point to a construction, already unavoidable that makes all of this so Objectional.

4.113 Suctioning oneself upon Objects is a contradiction

4.1141 & this is the *Great Contradiction, as I Object to Objects that are objectional to be so in love with I, *Object. & this is what must be, is the will to be & will be.

4.114 etc—[!] The value now, is in understanding, not again, in the rot I got. This makes my hypothesis a putty consequences for “A” indeed this pictorial the proposition with as mesh to “all I have given” to I, be & not correctly the same so. I had heard a *Sound, that was more common than *I & *I do not cling to it, as I was told it bring a *World to me unwhole. Thus, the goal is to markus the *Barborous, as in, if this is *about *Space “then trim me well” to a construction in which I will ultimately expand & *swell.

4.1141 There is a sunlit *Room that I have always warmed to, to sit with you, yet these days, it escapes us & thus: we anti—communicate on through

4.1142 Admittedly, “A” is not right or, is not *There. Thus, whenever we composition, puts *words to words on page, think of him *fondly, as in think of “A” in a way in which, you would *fondle him *fondly, as it corresponds to your own internal *truth-function expression.

4.115 O’ shit, it’s all despicable, attempting to wriggle itself out wriggling *out of being *despicable

4.116 All that that *is, is not *liberated thus, “gee-whizz, lie to us” while I lie with you in our lying “well I” *never did to head

4.12 The Fact, is the *my *event makes the Victims. The sign of this, in the End, is the operations stands, as in I *stand to operate in the same elementary notation, that I know I can. To *Suffer, is to *Judge or, the *Sacred, I Object, in a rhythm of pulsating lines, that to Introduce you, to the circulation of these *Things, first I must *tell you in a cold sufficient efficiency

4.121 Is there a possibility that is, the philosophical *Conquest I, *man—[?] A meshing to facial facializing everything, everything must be thrown out of point, at this point, I should probably stops, I *speaks—[?] No, no I shall not, for two heavy heads’ll give way to too small, I *Face. In a sense, this appeals that we are done. & incorrectly so—[!]

4.1211 Let *Him know, that I follow no truth-functions to only further *Hymn

4.1212 We like to *Picture, that which does not *Exist thus, a state’ll occur, in a relation of language towards a manifestation of *Truth----------------------->that after 30 years, is better to descend happily in the *bowel of *desire or, enter hesitantly through the door, where resides, perhaps, the *Beast of all my unattained *Joys—[?]

4.1213 To that describe this sensation, would be one that utilized *Signs, through the lack of other, more proper, *I means, how I thought, to go to bed, to let *C or *V in part, to part & be *apart of my *World

4.122 External, *that, that this is, a that is, *that, so let it be, namely, *That to be it, since it’ll be *that, one way or, another that

4.1221 In the *real, a shadow is self-evident that contains, they *there, there is a way to disguise & thus enable oneself to be not just of a *sign or, an imaginary *desire, suturing itself out in *vain & shall to will the wilt to *become to—err so.

4.123 It’s okay my cumdumpster: I *produce in the same expressions examine the *mark or, I *rule you vis—a—vis. Thus-------->field me *False, if false—[ily] is what you shall do so, to *Order the fate *forming so *copula, so *fully so fx us so.

4.1234 What is what—[?] If this all is the, is characteristics of another, stepping out/on negative for a form—[?]

4.1235 There There------------------->a *We, is the only we is the only thee in we

4.1236 Thus---------------------------------------------->no we weepme

4.124 The proof that which, of which, is this ontoing *This which, is getting-it-on superficially with “C”. Most of this *Action, if any, are the *vile verbs of a former *form.

4.1241 Facts: a slaying way, of betraying us all in non—differing ways

4.1242 or, etc—[?] It all gets the best’ya

4.12421 Thus, to first—[ily] *Master someone else’s grand *Contradiction

4.12422 Behind the *Head behind, the *Fixed to *Flexed behind, what *Lies before it behind

4.1243 In the End, we are without anybody *inside, can only be described as the *projection of a retracting *Thunder I, *clap

4.125 For all these propositions slice into something akin to *Salami. This, is a probability this, is a limitations in something, in me probably. Thus, to “or”—field, with the equivalence of the attempt at, I have every intention of sniffing your armpits----------------->is an attempt, at describing the truth-possibilities of my intentions, are constant, are constantly shifting to *NO Y—[?] Because the “A” & instead I, *said--------------->if we use numbers for *sense, we are to be not merely reduced to numbers, but rather, *reduced, without a *doubt, to Human *Turd Torpedos. This is a problem, that I shall not allow to live-on. Possibly I am the cannot concept properly or, the *Infinite ass in I’m bubbling forth to a barreling down symbols shitty shitting I, *sign.

4.1251 The use of this, as in, the utilization of *This, would be akin to a “bitch you frontin’—[?]” Oh I *kid, so onto the pictorial pressures only upon nonsensical jaws the *Bowels I, *leak.

4.1251.1 One of the saddest sights in this World, is a man with jowls I, will have to become accustomed to this, is a relation, accordingly of writing affairs, are *inadequate, are thus a should this—[?] Yes, yes to be a kind of agonizing equation of *Spatiality we, *tomb to what—[?] To *all that is already to *True you through to you speaking as another is how I *Action you. F to all *Names & the whole of *Newtonian Scale, as already I have proven that X—is to—“A” P—is the—X—[es] that *Vexes—[!]

4.1252 What *constitutes my *Heart—[?] What *gives it reason to *pump—[?]

4.12521 I have not a clue to you to how we would get there from where we are, as in, we *are *here. Propositioning all that is useless, all that too framing itself as a certainty I, *reason. I sense, *Truth is thruth—[ing] you further to nonsense & we only have so much *Time, so much for all I had *sought & thrust me into a *begging belonging to a proposition, a *law or, an “IF”—which if, was not a matter of if it is unpleasant

4.126 Two motherfuckers keep peering at me in, the darkness, everything is the anti of *Simple. We are never, all too clear, was so clear, there are neverever any known I, *position. In a *Condition, that is, I position us so, so to make all the I Objects, elementary—[ily] our own *private I, *speaks. & never, only on or, this was the *Word in a *World. The reasons I Object, should be self-evident & chewed I did, right through to *You to accept—[?]

4.127 Meaning-------->this meaning only so much, as we are to independent ourselves from the *Event. This recognizable nonsense, is not so sense to non—a—non—[!] There is this *Other that slips to sleep below me & construct this *expression of an *experience upon me. I distinguished this *Fact, from facing a helpless form I, *Construct.

4.127.1 I would like a meaningful *Massage. For “A” this thought I, not to *False

4.1271 All this is evident & all this, assumes a form, as a net, as a nonoccurrence slipping right past the grasp & capture the means towards, this is a meanmean I, *Thought.

4.1272 Thus, the *Body’s racket against other I, *Body the embodiment of an I, *ellipses. Where *IT rises, I will rise & overthrow up to it. Putrefied in order to anti-deaden this I, *state---------->*being, as in laying on I, *fib you not------------>I have a right to my *anatomized all I have given, all I would rather *nothing to mark on+operationism this attempt to logically side-step we to “A” is another “Q” or half of one, in which it’s solution would my multiplying to I, *bury away

4.12721 The *Mark, on all our faces this I, *picture stark—[ily] how the *Heart grows to a cloak—[ing] *snark in the *dark

4.1273 The fx of this assumption, assumes my *Ascension shall be common to all that *Z. Thus, my own interior existence is not dependant, is of, how I, *Space against the *Trace

4.1274 What particulars about this, are out, as in out—of—date—[?] Pp, is a term, that terms our *Lives in terms of how beautiful it is to *Ground. Now that part, was a sense towards a truth-arguments all that are, is that of, is of *That. This ne things of the *obvious are *oblivious to how beautiful you make me

4.128 Everyday is a slide covered with spasming *Sphincters. This, by itself, is a description of I, anti this *Space

4.1211 As in, to be Formal—[ily] changing the Pace: “I would like to formally introduce you to”—“this Giggle that erupts”—“when you’re stripping to negate an Obstruction so”—“Now, we are all fucking Exposed”—“You Box me on/in is the Deepening reach”—“[ing]—the Gorgeous part of Evening”—“when we Part the House, under”—“The Door, when opened behemoths between your”—“Odor creeps, in my Teeth”—“are sore in this Anatomical dependency, Broods”—“Buried beneath a Boob”—“Smiling in a Crowd, you make this”—“It’s difficult allowing Shit to Fall”—“In Place, I’m perfectly, Small”—“Secretly, she would Cry”—“A Trail leading to Tempers & The Clot”—“I’ve Got, every fucking reason to Party”—“& note to self: your Head, will be served on a Platter”—“Overshadowing all the Laughter, suddenly”—“This has become a Parable of how you resemble a VD”—“Reaching towards the Iconic”—“Pumping a Fist, in the Afternoon was Thumping”—“Every Room harbors a Lie, lying in with the Few others you knew”—“When I break down, some”—“Assistance, please”—“The Enemy of the Mouth, is seethethee”—“This became a Reflection”—“Defined, by The Murder, ending to”—“A New Kind of exit”—“& The Consumptions that shall fucking Follow us all

4.1212 This, is the clearest way I can convey to *Him, how much I *abdominally Love

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Spunkmaster (Lecture 4 & 5) “On the Nature, of how I Objected upon those that were merely Sad Objections in this World, by Doubling-up all my Arms”

s.m. 4 & 5

“on the nature, of how i objected upon those that were merely sad objections in this world,
by doubling-up all my arms”



"This then, was how I got my face all up in ya, until it looked like a 3-d movie screen" - boris izsus

3.3 All this mentioning of the parts, which seemingly exclude The Body (as I see it) are propositions that ultimately, must be brought to an End. For, if I might say, for instance, if I might say: by correctness in this is Fact: through the formula of yx—X[es]—Y—[?]—because, X≠Y—[!]

3.31 O’ these ideas, are as far from logic as, far as I am from logic & vice versa, which is in, all other situations------------------->my Vice

3.311 Given then, this thus, can there be such a combination of another reasoning of my thinking “I’m reasoning this surely is a little lump in Mind—[?]”

3.311.1 Surely not—[!]

3.312 Those probabilities, logical in the sense that to*Structure this, shall ultimately name me most. Accidentally then, this is the common transcendental shimmy-shaw from the form on up, the P still parasitic on thee *here, exists now, in a proposition of what shall exit from the rear of my *Speak. From the peculiar “I” to the Time of *I shall construct a written introduction, of my most bulbous affairs, from this Field here on out through *that Dimension. This then, is what causes my foot to *action to Mouth to the poorest of *Productions

3.313 Objects dilapidate & the objection, plops upon us of all. Possibly, I am incorrect in this assumption, if I am meaning in understanding that *I go in, as in, insert my P to-------->P, as in P purely spots the hole of a P, which could also be under the guise of a *V (The great Space, of the *Birth of all my *Arguments)----->the carnal suffocation of *holes that might prevent us all from *enclosing ourselves alone. My Lord, I awoke one day to find, I was no longer *cold yet starkly, terrifyingly if you will, indeed I was still so *alone.

3.314 Dissecting these events then, there is a canister that contains all that events us, thus contaminates us. Thus, *this place we find ourselves in, is rightfully painful------àto of, or to in, the willed equivalent of the *tragic *World that I have *created. To be *alone then, is the *Height of true *Harmony when *Faced with the existence of being *glob, in fact, in the realization of being the most unimaginable *whore of all that *globs, in the primitive sense. & this continues the *riddle riddling: who shall *survive gorging of this multiple means to a *definition—[?] This supposition, is not, in fact *accidental. No, this is the clarity of the *production of the great *suckon of Evil

3.315 Is then, the values to be found in this Room—[?] However, I’m certain, of the varying ways of saying “The use of *this Forms me” into the bowels of an Abuse, I shall surely, learn to warm to. Thus, “A” as having an End to Things. This then, is the sense in which I shall set myself to determine +“A” –“arm” = this was how we’ll have passed away, as a mere Property, in which we will have been constructed *upon. Drawing of Prune. Faced *this.

3.3151 In my *Balls rests all of this *constructed a *World of all my lowly *affairs (yx—X[es]—Y), which in *private swells the greatest *pride of my *Balls.

3.3152 Is this peculiar *hypothesis then i.e. inference of internal interference, actually *impoosible—[?]

3.316 Expression, of the supposition of the propositional pissants grieve us in meaning to *Their sense. There were many others I required, many others, in which to describe the base of all my *Trials of debasements as in a priori but it’s all the same, all the *Once I yielded to *Their sense & never shall I fucking *yield again

3.317 Thus, for “A” to express this/is a *lie, lays on the Head that *shakes him to the *recatoom of the unknown, that hardens on the *skin, hardens in the *hollow terms of doing *dung function. How illogical—[!] To *human & living between roving *Question, questioning this move to the essence of “Today, I felt so *Light, I thought sure—[ily] I should *Eat”. & so I did. This is the morality of my decisive nature of my hackneyed intuition & the *excessive virulence *selfrough i.e. “I was so happy to be handled with such Hatred, because only then I knew I was *feared”

3.318 To be the action, of the *act *coming against the Projections of the Surface, which are Laws, which are Propositions, which are False

3.32 More & more, my features, slide, which forms “My Hurt”

3.321 Of all the cockamamie bullshit….

3.322 Form constitutes my, psychologically I’m a lard argument, as in not my to mine to as-it-is-to-choose are propositions of one who falls asleep. Pusspuss.

3.323 Now, we are beginning, or I would hope, that we are beginning to *see, that language is indeed a *Pp paradox identical to our *extent of “Oh, of course I would never slip you poison….[!]”

3.324 Affirm it, means it means, I’m firming-up in the mid-section

3.325 This, thus it, of by, this I be, an *Arbitrary Proposition—[?] The only possibility I know, is: baby we battle. Neurotically, verging on the dedication of a *Saint, similar to the blood that, engaging our *wounds, that anguish from the first I *cry, to the final *gasp we give & then attempt to take us *back. This follows my logic of language, however arbitrarily, I tries you see, I tries—[!] to explain this *interior I *engulf is a *World of my belief supposition thus, not another, not a fucking *Word

3.326 Only in Briefs can I function & this is & has always been the case

3.327 The Day of it pro to be an endless day of *porn & this is my Supposition—[!] Thus this day is *swarming itself into *Face, quite so, thus I will give myself *release to prove my *existence right from this very in white—to—sight I *form. But then, upon opening the eyes, I see that I am back to the square in the Form of X, as the rest of the *World seems to *Z or, reverse itself & this is becoming quite *clear, as is, the *Violence I *Limits. *This only matters, in so much, as I dispel an indeterminate though *hefty weight of “My Lord, how I *despair” in this weakness, in which, I have sought to overturn, so to *slum out of this *Prison, so that I might fully perceive of my inextricable *Fall, as in, “I fall towards the anti—ugly in a way” as in, this way I may—[?]

3.328 As we Exist, as we exist to exit, out the Back, in order to multiply or, droppings. The only causality, shall be logic from “A’ from the shitcan says Fa-la-la-----la-----la-la & this thus *Truths my very *occurrence—[!] Oh, the *truth-functions, are true—[ily] throom—[ing] through me—[!]

3.33 Oh, this *state is trash, as in, a trasheap of translating the same truth of *The Truth, instead of speaking of what is essential--------àThe View from Here, let me ask, how is my Hair—[?] Ah, an “A” of the neurotic “A” = an entirely callous affair. Thus, to Question all Signs, all Features, all Propositions, in order to culminate in the Thought: this is how I tomb

3.331 Are also of may my *Body *Spatial *de—sign compulsively upon one another, however the possibility of “P” for “A” is the propensity in which my *True side rides

3.332 Thus, any Pp is my logic—[!]

3.333 They take their child to elementary school. It is that simple. Yet, this shall not *confirm to, or as, a postulate, that in all *actuality if this *child, exists or does *not Exist or shall or *Will.

3.3331 The above statement, was obviously Elementary reasoning, but I thought it would be beneficial to revisit for a refreshing course “yes, I would like it *rare”

3.334 With the thing it—here or, them hear to the were will we dispose of their *Bodies over there be then = *be to stands into it’s *own in disposing naturally, of all unnecessary object, is any of *Them that objects—[!]

3.3341 No no, we shall wait for the next cumdumpster

3.34 Thus it begins the Same (same) the *state (same) sight (I same). The anger of these accumulating propositions or, rather the *anger that is boiling in my *loins is occurring, as if, in another *Time, removed from the experience of my own *mind, as if, this *Body was in fact, it’s own *construction of my *interior *World in the strictest *sense

3.341 That one, was of the poorest value points us to the essence of all my *justifications are *stern yet while simultaneously, being *naïve & even this, this is the only *pisspot that I have. Kind or kind of another, it really doesn’t matter. The *proof, is always in & of this Question------->”wha—[?]” This expression in a way then, thus then can be viewed can as a prototype my dearest shitcans. Through this, our *reality is increasingly becoming a will of “A” to *burp in a “P”. That would be the *logical explanation, that if correct, in *being this that I *express then either *You or *I, must for the love of all that is glob, my god, we must *Object

3.3411 By a “construed” further *consumption one shall have to engage in a so-called trimming of the *reducibility principle of the *Body in *Bowels, as in the inner—in—independent, *is going on/in

3.342 The state since quite qualms, calmed me quite well. The further investigation of *affairs, as yet beyond, as yet to be determined, of course, within a *Belly that is hidden from the demeaning meaning of *Logic & Oh look, a Bear—[!] Oh, this quite—[ily] can further *contaminate my *Affairs, in a primitive sense, that is, in such a *view, where that, whereas everything would become *Pictorial again, even in agreement, if you will, in the *mirage of the penetrable, O’ flee from *Thine eyes in which I so obscurely *Thirst

3.3421 It’s such that “A” as a continuing propositions, exponentially ages in each *vile proposition.

3.343 Achieved variable with one another to stand on. For that this points to the construction of propositions, while simultaneously attempting to *obliterate them, it is akin to these dueling sides continually shitting in each other’s *assholes. But then, there is the *I thought that *one “O’ grab it before it has time to take another *dump—[!]”

3.344 Kinds be correlated into a logic of retardations & this determines of such, the application that indeed, these are not the *thoughts of a *madman acting as an *Intellectual. Au Contraire—[!] & this is the only *logic that matters to mutter

3.3441 Therefore, what the PP is this shit about—[?!]

3.3442 Or, how the *Body is congruent to the one, that constitutes the logic of a *speaking *ass where *facts surrounded all that I had ever *loved. Thus, that to are, is it’s are to itself. Or, simplest that going “in” as “A” are as a de—sign that cannot be penetrated. This follows this as that follows *this seeing of the self, as in, O’ to the features, which combine from time to *Time, I find *Butter everywhere—[!] Naturally, this is love’s possibility. The *ecstatic possibility that is apparent, as it is *Grand, as in the *grandeur of my own cohesion, that takes place in a life of the utmost *reality. Thus the *ecstatic tumult of being without *Love. In this sense, I find that I am sure—[ily] *Shaken. This too, is never without *emergency is the most *distant of all my possibilities, that discontinuous my own living outside *individuality. This is the simplest of *desire in us or, the *ruptures that come to the stirring of us to remind us, of the *ecstasies that await us in *Excess. This negation, or the thought of it’s *negation, is what provides me with a constantly swerving towards the *bosom of *Terror. A life without *Excesses, a life mere—[ily] unto a sad *Death before us, as in, *fearful within thus & of & in, only *itself. This is the *one *Sign of life, *craving that I shall *acknowledge, as it *stirs so *violently within me, that this *Violence, has shown me the *Hell of my own I *Heart

3.4 & with wha—[?]

3.41 If we are mere—[ily] propositions, then we can Manifest nothing—[!] Pssshhh to propositions, if in, the upturned *will would put a *Face, to the, are we now in Face—[?]

3.411 Be *I, i.e. am so—[?] + how I was then, Surprised to admit, this possesses my *State, upsets all that is the great *Obscenity of which I dream, in my own uneasiness of the *physical life or, how I *crippled in all that has *possessed me in the *proposition I *sense

3.42 This, is the *Violent condition of out *Confrontation, of which, I *command that the intrusion, if it must, must *slums me to Bed

3.5 To think, I am *joking would to be *being in a *delay of which, when you open your *eyes, you *see, only my *Projection still, is all that *remains.